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Our Family in Nature and Jacob’s Ladder. Part Five of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates – Something Wonderful


Jacob’s Ladder and Return to Nobility. Part Five of Elaboration of The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen”


Once you have stopped struggling with the Divine, fighting off Omnipresent Providence, the heavens open. Never again can those gates be closed to you. As in your Jacob’s vision, there is no separation any longer “between heaven and Earth”; there is a going to and fro between humans and all the angels in Nature and the Divine….


Part Five of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: Rejoining Our Family in Nature and Jacob’s Ladder

03-610x457vlcsnap-2011-05-29-22h34m17s73For what is opening to you is for you to rejoin your family in Nature. If you are not one of those few whose highest good at this time, strangely enough, lies in agonizing as others act and decide, this is nothing but good news. This is the sign on the imdddagesroad telling you that just before you lies the return home to the noble core within you.gods-hands The most fantastic and fulfilling life lies just before you. You return to connection with all of Nature, and this unity is felt as the most sublime and wonderful Love. That is true whatever the outcome.

Eden1-409x307But even more is possible, if there is a sufficient number of you. If you are hearing this, let yourself be motivated by the awareness that you can be one of those making of this drama the most incredible story of thejacobs-ladder-jody-198x300 coming together of all species on behalf of Divine Nature. Be aware that awareness of unity far beyond what you have known as isolated beings in a solitary species is on the horizon.lg_JacobAngel Once you have stopped struggling with the Divine, fighting off Omnipresent Providence, the heavens open.

Never again can those gates be closed to you. As in your Jacob’s vision, there is no separation any longer “between heaven and Earth”; angels-a-child-and-jacobs-ladder-americo-salazarthere is a going to and fro between humans and all the angels in Nature and the Divine, which you have so long excluded.Accession480px Know that this experience of inter-being consciousness, this Unity, is the must exquisite experience and is unimaginable; you might liken it to Love expanded infinitely. Yes, that particular plot is available to you. And if you, as a species, take up your role in it, life on this planet will go on. This Earth will continue in alliance between all planetmates…and something wonderful is going to happen….


The Thirty-Third Prasad: Something Wonderful to Happen

jacobs-ladder-mccaulay-culkin-and-tim-robbins10-emergence-440In not choosing you have actually chosen your demise. We have come to remind you, to pluck your memory, to wake you, and to warn you. The rest is up to you, and we will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.


However, if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together. The Earthly adventure can continue virtually without end. For in this case, something wonderful is going to happen. (final prasad)


Continue with Creating Worlds: Biologically Constituted Realities, Part One

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Return to Let Go, Let God – You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away. Part Four of  33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

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Let Go, Let God – You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away. Part Four of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful


You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away—Let Go, Let God. Part Four of Elaboration of The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen”

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[Y]ou may be one of those many who do know of our planetary emergency and are spending full_jpgmuch time trying to imagine a light to dispel the darkness or conjure up a greater light to overcome it. You may not know that those actions are only continuing in the non-productive denial the rest of your species is engaging in, for they are just another version of running away, motivated still by fear (of fear) and not by the love that comes from actually letting the fear and discomfort into consciousness, vlcsnap-2011-05-29-17h39m01s60into your felt experience….

It is only the greatest of arrogance—that thing that you do, you do so well—continuing, to think that you could have better ideas as to the Ultimate Good—and thereby orchestrate the rest of the Universe along lines to produce it—than is had by what is the Ultimate Good by definition…along with It being infinitely compassionate, all-knowing, all-merciful, and all-forgiving…even of your sorry behinds, you need to know….


Tao_YinYangEarth2pandorasboxcolorfulpurplish[I]n giving up the impossible task of trying to remove discomfort or darkness from your life and accepting that you should let the inevitable pain and darkness inform and teach you, your actions can be infinitely more worthwhile, for others as well as yourselves. This simple change can lead to greater and greater faith, but it also leads, increasingly so, to more capacity to manifest actual good in life. Evil, when faced, can catapult the greatest of good.


Part Four of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away

It may also be that you are one who, in order to do what you undoubtedly will do, needed to hear something being told here. rings_doom1szd.halfPerhaps it is just that you had no support whatsoever around you for the idea that it was the right thing to turn to embrace your darkness—your fears and discomfort; chances are that you have been told the opposite. 0011-starbirth2k81_ipBut, additionally, you may be one of those many who do know of our planetary emergency and are spending much time trying to imagine a light to dispel the darkness or conjure up a greater light to overcome it. You may not know that those actions are only continuing in the non-productive denial the rest of your species is engaging in, angels_portalfor they are just another version of running away, motivated still by fear (of fear) and not by the love that comes from actually letting the fear and discomfort into consciousness, into your felt experience.

Attempting to pray, meditate, or imagine away the darkness is another way of not seeing, of staying in ignore-ance, and is motivated by the same fear of fear. Fear drives the vanity of prayer. It continues the idea that, if not malevolent, the All That Is is at least not very helpful unless cajoled. brainsplitM2450770-Split_personality-SPLIt reinforces the delusion of your separation from Nature and Divine Providence for in straining to pressure the Divine Other into acting in accordance with one’s wishes or entreaties, one has to forget that one is not separate but is part of That Which Is, and in any instance, to forget that the All That Ismutus_liber_1_441x626 is more knowledgeable and compassionate—being Everything as well as infinite Love—than one’s deluded and singular, dimly lit self. It is only the greatest of arrogance—that thing that you do, you do so well—continuing, to think that you could have better ideas as to the Ultimate Good—and thereby orchestrate the rest of the Universe along lines to produce it—than is had by what is the Ultimate Good by definition…along with It being infinitely compassionate, all-knowing, all-merciful, and all-forgiving…even of your sorry behinds, you need to know.

somethingwonderfulhappen - Copy

thinkingattherootsofthings2At any rate, if you are such a person—having the most righteous intention but simply going about it the wrong way, because you are without doubt surrounded by so much fear and distortion of all kinds covering up the correct way—what we are telling you here can be of the utmost significance and help to you.

Scream7gFor if you are like that, you can now entertain the thought that not only is it alright to let the darkness arise in you—and by that I mean no more than allow yourself to feel these emotions you have made wrong—but that it is the good and necessary thing to do. charybirdsAnd in checking out that possibility, your efforts for good can be magnified magnificently. For like the climber struggling inch by inch up the cliff face, you can do so much more and receive great relief if you were to know you did not have to reach the precipice through struggling away from below, but could let yourself fall, to find that there has always been, birthwonderfulhappen - Copynot just a safety net there, but a trampoline…or that you are attached to a bungee cord…and that in either case you find yourself going—with great ease and relief—much further and more directly where you need to go by trying less hard, to turn from darkness, not more strenuously, to keep from seeing it.spirit-of-the-night In this case, such knowing as this can be the most essential and powerful catalyst. For in giving up the impossible task of trying to remove discomfort or darkness from your life and accepting that you should let the inevitable pain and darkness inform and teach you, your actions can be infinitely more worthwhile, for others as well as yourselves. This simple change can lead to greater and greater faith, but it also leads, increasingly so, to more capacity to manifest actual good in life. Evil, when faced, can catapult the greatest of good.


The Thirty-Third Prasad: Something Wonderful to Happen

secret-garden7-berceaux-inside_thumb_thumbmatrix-pod_thumb_thumbIn not choosing you have actually chosen your demise. We have come to remind you, to pluck your memory, to wake you, and to warn you. The rest is up to you, and we will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.

However, if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together. The Earthly adventure can continue virtually without end. For in this case, something wonderful is going to happen. (final prasad)


Continue with Our Family in Nature and Jacob’s Ladder. Part Five of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

Return to You Have Always Known…. This is just a reminder. Part Three of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

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Part Four of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away…Fear Drives the Vanity of Prayer

You Have Always Known…. This is just a reminder. Part Three of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful


Planetmates’ and Your Roles in This: You Have Always Known…. Part Three of Elaboration of The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen”


You know which you are if when you take the active role you discover in subtle put powerful ways how the forces outside yourself—all the Universe it seems—assists you and guides you in your role in ever way….

We, planetmates, are acting our role in this drama in coming to warn you. It is our part to reawaken your memory of your noble heritage. We are here to convey the message that there is an incredible opportunity and blessing opening in front of you.

Part Three of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: Planetmates’ and Your Roles in This: You Have Always Known….

If you are hearing this, you can really only be one who is meant to have a role in this drama or one of those few who is meant to be learning right now through agonizing helplessness. image022You know which you are if when you take the active role you discover in subtle put powerful ways how the forces outside yourself—all the Universe it seems—assists you and guides you in your role in ever way. 14-1450-RUNR000ZYou find yourself to be assisted by unseen, benevolent forces and to be made aware, tutored and guided by the wisest and most amazingly enlightening of That Which Is. If you are meant to agonize in helplessness, you will deem yourselves blocked from acting even when you do not really act. If the later, it is doubtful that you, either, are still here and hearing this.

Your individual decision has already been made, for “free will” is only one of the arbitrarily decided parameters of this game we play. euphoria,girl,happiness,jump,jumping,off,a,cliff,risk-46824072d9eed59244faef612910c0c4_mWe allow ourselves to be only dimly aware of Everything so that we can be surprised and more enjoying of this game we play. In your case, 9420665-man-sitting-on-chessboard-among-team-of-white-chess-pawns-3d-illustrationyou have added the element of greater forgetfulness so that you can even believe that you are the primary intender, decider, or actor in your game. You have deemed existence to be more fun if you would identify with the tokens in the game and forget who the players are; and what a funny sight you are to us, strutting about as so many “kings,” each believing the rest of the world is but props in the play—like beings birthed from nowhere out of the forehead of Jove—that he alone is orchestrating.

But since this is in actuality only part of the fun to delude ourselves this way—you more than us, as we have said—some of you hearing this already know what your decision is. In fact, you have always known, and what you are doing now in hearing this is only reminding you of a decision that was made (it matters not BY who) “a long time ago,” so to speak. Or let us just say, outside of this game you are now playing. It was made in regards to this particular “token” in the game being played, which you call, “I” and “me.”


Others of you will be made aware of your “decision” (actually your fate; and hence your role) quite soon.

408309_1764639612598_1737376259_863778_1611513471_nWe, planetmates, are acting our role in this drama in coming to warn you. It is our part to reawaken your memory of your noble heritage. jacobs-ladder-by-fdecomite-on-flickrWe are here to convey the message that there is an incredible opportunity and blessing opening in front of you. But it requires your expanding your awareness beyond even what you were once and even what we are.

If you are one who is meant to actively participate in this glorious drama—no matter what the outcome might be…a good chance if you have gotten this far…you are now or will soon be taking up a role in it different from what you have been, or you are being affirmed and supported—sanctified, as it were—in a role you have already chosen…or inspired to greater commitment and enjoyment of it, for you can realize how grand and important and how wonderful, for you at least, but potentially for all of life, will be the consequences of what you do.


The Thirty-Third Prasad: Something Wonderful to Happen

matrix-pod_thumb_thumbsecret-garden7-berceaux-inside_thumb_thumbIn not choosing you have actually chosen your demise. We have come to remind you, to pluck your memory, to wake you, and to warn you. The rest is up to you, and we will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.

However, if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together. The Earthly adventure can continue virtually without end. For in this case, something wonderful is going to happen. (final prasad)

Continue with Let Go, Let God – You Can’t Imagine Darkness Away. Part Four of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

Return to Free Will and Fate: Do you really think you could be reading this and…. Part Two of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

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Something Wonderful: Planetmates say in humans’ choosing nobility and defending Nature, “Something wonderful is going to happen” – The Thirty-Third and Final Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Forty-One: The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen,” say Planetmates.

Planetmates Release the Thirty-Third Prasad

Planetmates tell us we can return home and be embraced again by Nature. Their message to us is a sign that the most fantastic and fulfilling life lies ahead for humans. This re-union is the most sublime and wonderful Love. But even beyond this, we have the possibility of turning this challenge into the most incredibly heroic and noble of tales. This we could do, not as separate egos, but in reversing that, in allowing ourselves to desist from fighting Divine Benevolence the way we have. They say that an inter-being consciousness is possible that is almost like a coming together of heaven and Earth, and this being so, “something wonderful is going to happen.”

Dolphin is first consciousness at the Thirty-Third and final Prasad.

“[W]e will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.”


The Thirty-Third Prasad: Something Wonderful to Happen

secret-garden7-berceaux-insidematrix-podIn not choosing you have actually chosen your demise. We have come to remind you, to pluck your memory, to wake you, and to warn you. The rest is up to you, and we will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.

However, if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together. The Earthly adventure can continue virtually without end. For in this case, something wonderful is going to happen. (final prasad)

Part One of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: Your indecision will manifest horribly very soon, or your lives can be be made noble, even sanctified.

You can return to nobility. You were once admirable planetmates, honorable Earth citizens. You lived in harmony with us and with all of Creation. You accepted what Providence provided, asking no more. Life was beautiful and full.

Or you can continue on this slide to oblivion, pulling us all down with you. 052211_RP9gh66765_TRGT2025You must decide; you can no longer put it off. If a sufficient number of you do not choose to take up alliance once again, like you did long ago, with all of Nature and act to nurture and defend the exquisite Creation on this planet, that indecision, that refusal to become transformed, will become known to us all very soon in the events that will come increasingly into your life, disturbing you, inconveniencing you, making you suffer, and causing for you a miserable, agonized end.


What you can do instead is to stop running away and start “standing” and “facing” what you are manifesting—having the faith that not only will you be able to do this, but that it will teach you, lift you up, inspire you into right action as regards these unprecedented unfoldings, ennoble you, guide you, and, greatest of all, sanctify and fulfill your life bringing it once again into perfect resonance with the Good of All, the All That Is.


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Free Will and Fate: Do you really think you could be reading this and…. Part Two of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

Return to Like a Prodigal Son, You Are Being Invited Back Into Eden … Can You Accept a “Friendly Universe”? Part 3 of 32nd Prasad, Human Redemption – Facing Darkness

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