Category Archives: Experience Is Divinity

“Little did we know that every moment of every day we were immersed in it, in God, in Experience, and we were not, nor were we ever, separate from it.”: The Mind’s True Liberation

“…that pool of experience is connected with the entire Universe, which is all Experience. We are one with it. And it is God. God, certainly, different than the way w e pictured it. Being separate ourselves, we pictured another being. Little did we know that every moment of every day we were immersed in it, in God, in Experience, and we were not, nor were we ever, separate from it.”

– from Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation

See also, Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor by Michael Adzema at

For any of Michael Adzema’s books, go to Michael Adzema at Amazon at 

#consciousness #spirituality #experience #Universe #Truth #follow #tsu #God #awakening #funnygod

We Are Stardust Sorta: Our very own experience gives us hints on the mind of God, for we are one with Her

“In finding out we are God, the same substance as God — which is Experience — we realize that we actually might have an idea of God’s “motives” or “reasons,” for lack of better words, for manifesting as physical reality, as humans. For we share them. We value them, too … as being good.

“…with this new understanding … that we are the same substance as God … we know our very experience gives us hints at the motives and intentions of God, and other higher entities. 

“So, in fact, we can refer to him as funny, even. And to motives for existence that include fun, adventure, magnificence, and such. Interest, maybe. Who knows, maybe challenge?”

– from “Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation

for any of Michael Adzema’s books, go to

#consciousness #spirituality #funny #God #existence #follow #tsu #wearestardustsorta #awakening #Experience

“we are being embraced again by the Universe … the closer we get to Truth, the closer we get to God.”

“…with this new understanding we are being brought back into the fold of God. Like we were prodigal humans, thinking we were separate and alone, and now we are being embraced again by the Universe and being told that we are daughters and sons of it … of the same substance.”

“…we have learned that God is not separate from us, is not punishing, and hardly cares about making sure we pump up his Ego with trying to not say bad things about Her/Him or being sure we worship Her/Him in the right way, and such.”

“…the closer we get to Truth, the closer we get to God.”

“God is what is, and illusions or feel-good untruths actually cover Him, Her up. They conceal God….”

– from “Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation

#consciousness #spirituality #truth #God #illusion #follow #tsu #Godnotpunishing #awakening #experience


the world is a byproduct of the only Reality, one’s direct Experience: the brain and matter itself are an epiphenomenon of consciousness activity

Poof! Consciousness out of a hat!

“What quickly had to be faced is that the thousands of year old assumption … as old as there has been history … the idea that the brain results in consciousness … that consciousness is an epiphenomen, or a byproduct or result of brain activity … was completely wrong. In fact, the world with this new information in it made no sense at all unless one considered this miraculous idea that the opposite was true: that the brain, that is, that matter … and following from that the entire physical world … was an epiphenomenon of consciousness activity. That is, that the world is a byproduct or a result or an offshoot of the events in consciousness, better said, Experience.”

“In this paradigm, awareness is seen as a byproduct of observable electrical and chemical events in the brain, which … and here is where [scientists] showed themselves to be the real sorcerers … magically, as it were, results in the sense of self. And, oh, how that can happen is some kind of mysterious process, which one must accept on faith … showing their endeavor to have been more religious than the scientific they claimed it to be.”

“…like true wizards, they alluded to consciousness and self as being some kind of naturally occurring thing based on the mere magnitude of the number of chemical and neurological events involved. Like religionists of old did in asserting a belief in God … the old-fashioned one and the old-fashioned religion … they pointed to unknowable events as the basis for the belief in their paradigm.

“…the way this paradigm is explained is that selfhood is seen to be an epiphenomenon of brain activity. They figured … lots and lots of brain activity and … poof! Consciousness out of a hat!”

– from Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor


Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation 

#consciousness #spirituality #brain #epiphenomenalism  #subjectivity #follow #tsu #science #awakening #experience

Positive thinking is way too negative for me: “Struggling with one’s thoughts is like struggling to get all the chairs in line on the decks of the Titanic”

What you think, you become.

What you feel, you think.

The cumulative result of all that you’ve experienced in your life, you feel now.

That is heavily weighted toward those events that were powerful and traumatic and remain unfelt and repressed …. still. (this is why folks end up doing primal therapy; the other stuff doesn’t work)

So, go on thinking that you can change your life by thinking differently…. changing your thoughts, doing affirmations….

But when you fail, know that there is still hope.

Struggling with one’s thoughts is like struggling to get all the chairs in line on the decks of the Titanic. 

if one can’t do primal, best one should devote oneself to service of others, a higher cause, along with keeping one’s minds fixed on the Divine, however one conceives that.

beating oneself up for negative thoughts is just taking on the oppressors role, bringing it inside … it keeps one removed from Divinity ….

for Divinity is never judging, not even of oneself, one should notice negative thoughts … they, too, are messages from the Divine….

that doesn’t mean one should act (out) on them. but trying to change them is like trying to answer only the “good” phone calls from God … and that is hardly surrender.

negative actions come back on one. 

negative thoughts? 


even meditators say one should not judge oneself for negative thoughts, but should allow them to arise in consciousness, become full, and then burst and dissipate … in the meditative process

what I’m adding is that one can and should … for the ones not so easily gotten rid of … allow them to arise in consciousness and allow oneself to even be beaten up by and to struggle with them (this is Jacob wrestling with the angel, as an example). One simply has to expend all possible energy in not acting them out … not giving them energy by doing something about them … like taking revenge, et cetera….

For the bottom line is one cannot know if a negative thought is or is not an angel in disguise. As I have phrased it, borrowing from Jung, one sees an angel as a devil until one is wholly enough to accept her….

– from “The Teachings of SillyGod” in