Monthly Archives: May 2014

Out of Eden—Agrarian Revolution … Return to Eden—Primal Renaissance: The Earliest Yuppies, 25,000 Years Ago, Cast Us Out of the Garden. We Are Returning … Now


Primal Renaissance: Our Greatest Hope May Be the Flourishing of Culture as We Reintegrate Long-Lost Knowledge and Worldview, Formerly Ridiculed as “Primitive”

happy Nautilus World

Falls from Grace, Epilogue: Are We Entering a Primal Renaissance?


We live in exciting times.  Information hams it up before us at every turn.  This unparalleled info-glut brings fascination, paralysis, agony, insight, change, renewal, and inspiration.  In some ways it looks like a renaissance — take the incredible proliferation of technology, for example . . . the mind-boggling advances in computers.  But a renaissance of the “primitive,” the “uncivilized” . . . a primal renaissance?  How can that possibly be?


Paleolithic Consciousness … Out of Eden

For weeks I had been working on several articles, my ardor suspending me above the landscape of a natural consciousness, a hunter-gatherer one.  Called “paleolithic consciousness” by one contemporary theorist, this mindstyle is reputed to exist among our hunter-gatherer progenitors and among some current “primal cultures.”  It is characterized by greater attunement with body and nature, greater relaxation and well-beingness, more loving child-caring, greater sensory and aesthetic appreciation, more expanded psychic openness, fuller emotional and relational capacity, and greater “with-it-ness” (Witness) with reality in general.

Vision_Quest__99529_zoomMbuti Pygmies at a forest hunting camp.caveman-starting-fire_thumb

The Earliest Yuppies and The Agrarian Revolution

I was also focusing on how our civilization came to lose that primal expansiveness of soul — a la “ejection from the Garden of Eden.”  An increasing mistrust of nature — and an inexplicable rebellion against an eternally old “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” philosophy — led to attempts to control Nature, and consequently body as well.  The supposed big “advance” of these earliest yuppies was the domestication of plants and animals.  In history, this first major “upwardly mobile” turning is known as the “agrarian revolution,” and it occurred variously between 10 and 30 thousand years ago.



All of a piece it came to me that what was going on now, in Western culture, was exactly parallel to what had occurred during the Renaissance of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  At that time, you may recall, the Catholic Church’s intellectual hegemony was loosening, which allowed ancient Roman and Greek texts preserved in the monasteries to be released into the collective culture.  There, our formerly repressed and forgotten “classical” heritage combined and cross-fertilized with views prevailing at that time to create the incredible flowering of culture and human potential that the word renaissance now conveys.

The View from the Doorstep of Nuclear and Ecological Annihilation

It occurred to me that night how we, in the consciousness and ecology movements, are becoming ever more aware, once again, in diverse and various ways, of the vast legacy of feeling, perception, human fulfillment, and spiritual awareness and viewpoint that current “child-rearing” practices cause us “normally” to leave behind.  Similarly we come to realize how much our species lost in coming into its much-vaunted “civilization” in its evolutionary history.  The view from the doorstep of nuclear and ecological annihilation allows such perspectives. 


Yet, through our different ways of healing ourselves, and to extents greater and lesser, we retrieve that lost and repressed legacy.


And we are, happily, not alone in that retrieval.  Increasingly it appears that our age is characterized, on a global scale, by an unprecedented multiculturalism wrought of technological advances in telecommunications and transportation.  Consequently, we are pushed to enjoying an ever growing awareness of the legacies of primal cultures, both current and historical.

Drum-circle-painting photo-newage_thumbdrums-620x430Receiving Rites Peru 2009

Xenophobia Dissolving and “Ego”-Eroding Information

At the same time and not coincidentally we observe our own religious, scientific, and Western-cultural hegemonies collapsing under that same weight of contrary and both xenophobia- and “ego”-eroding information.  Moreover, this collapse is aided by momentous and far-reaching occurrences as diverse as our mistaken engagements in third-world countries — our misadventures in Iraq and Vietnam, for example; the technological crisis of credibility wrought of the global ecological crisis; and the discoveries of the new physics with their concurrent death-blow to the pretensions of common-sense materialism.


Re-Integration of the Primitive and Primal … Return to Eden

It became clear to me that just as centuries ago we came out from under the thumb of a brand of cultural repression that scapegoated and repressed former cultures — specifically, the Greek and the Roman legacies, calling them “pagan” — we were now coming out from under the thumb of a cultural repression and consequent scapegoating of even longer duration — one extending back ten to thirty-thousand years!  Along with this we were seeing not only the limitations and inadequacies of the Western civilization and technology which so many had sacrificed for, and killed for; we were seeing also the re-integration of long-lost knowledge and worldview — which formerly had been obscured and hidden beneath such pejoratives as “primitive,” “savage,” and “uncivilized.”

Shamans, Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges, and Drums

Some of us were learning this only too well, as it seemed necessary to search out the earliest or least “civilized” cultures possible for the only pertinent tips we could find on sane and healthy child-caring techniques. 


But the rest of our culture is catching on too, and in a big way!  Shamanistic practices, rites of passage, and indigenous rituals are enjoying great popularity.  Workshops on everything from vision quests, fire-walking, and Native American sweat lodges . . . to nature treks, drumming, and “sacred arrow” ceremonies have begun popping up.  And currently we are even recognizing our Western patriarchal culture’s evil hand in the extermination of society upon society of indigenous peoples; we are re-writing the history books on the legacy of Columbus even as we passed the five-hundredth anniversary of his landing in America.

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A Flourishing of Culture?

What’s more, in a manner analogous to the cross-fertilization of ideas that led to the medieval Renaissance, our culture is expanding and becoming richer through the inclusion of these alternate perspectives.  Those of us on the healing edge are uniquely able to sense the potential of this inclusion as we experience the effects that this kind of appreciation of the feeling, the affectionate, the intuitive, the natural, the body, and the senses has had upon our individual lives.  Why would we not think that this kind of cross-fertilization of repressed heritage would lead to a flourishing of our culture in the same way that it is has led to a blossoming in our lives?

The Brightest Light on Our Cultural Horizon

Indeed, many of us do feel that a “primal renaissance” is occurring on our planet.  Furthermore, many of us believe that this occurrence may be, in truth, the brightest hope on what otherwise can appear globally to be a rather bleak social and cultural horizon.

So let us not lose this opportunity to midwife the emergence of this primal renaissance, and, germinal as it may appear at this time, to nurture it to its fullest flowering.  We cannot change the past, of course.  But our efforts will work — one small measure at least — for righting the many wrongs of those who have come before us toward those earlier primal societies, and the deeply felt ideas and cultural ways they held dear.

slider-SWEATPablo_Amaringo-Beings_of_the_Vegetation1pyADFAFDAFAgmyvision-quest-iii-patricia-allingham-carlsonHope Rwanda, Village of Hope Project,

Continue with Book 10 Primal Return: The Prodigal Awakening

Return to Planet of the Apes? Thunderdome? No. But Only If We Are Lucky: Our Primal Return May Indeed Be a Primal Renaissance

To Access the Entire Book, of which this is an excerpt, Go To Falls from Grace

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 AsheDrumCir_540x242   Image: President Barack Obama Holds Recovery Act Event In Nellis AFB   35-156_268_2_sweat-lodge

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Continue with Book 10 Primal Return: The Prodigal Awakening

Return to Planet of the Apes? Thunderdome? No. But Only If We Are Lucky: Our Primal Return May Indeed Be a Primal Renaissance

To Access the Entire Book, of which this is an excerpt, Go To Falls from Grace

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To purchase any of Michael Adzema’s books, available in print and e-book formats, go to Michael Adzema’s books at Amazon.

To purchase a signed copy of any of Michael’s books, email the author at … Discount for blog subscribers.

“Consciousness is the nature of That Which Is. Existence never ends; Consciousness never ends. “I am” is the nature of It All.”

Planetmates reveal death, “kill and be killed”: “We do not wish death. But we risk death often in our immersion in fantastic life”:

“We, planetmates, could never conceive of doing what humans do in the throes of their controlling mania. We would never care to, let alone seek to, keep and control the destinies of others or use them to inspire phantasms of vanity. If nothing else, we would see that as an unnecessary burden. In trying to craft your future that way, you cannot take in nor enjoy the blessings of the present. That is why it is called that, in fact, for it is a gift. The present is a gift that humans do not open.

“This is ironic, for as we have said, you refuse Divine Providence, whose only stipulation is that you accept the pain of uncertainty so you might enjoy the gift presented afterward of knowing you are always loved … which we have compared to waiting till Christmas to open one’s gifts. In doing this, you create the exact opposite abnormality —when you actually receive a blessing in the present, you then wait to “open” it. You will not bide your time waiting for your blessings; but when you receive them, then, you decide to wait. In this way, again, you create that which you tend to flee from. This is just another way in which you create the “hell” in existence that you fear and,unbelievably, attribute to a loving God.

“But we do have inner knowing of such a Providence. This Reality sustains us throughout life. We therefore have no doubt that Its blessings include the ending of this game in a manner, uncertain as is all of life, but in accordance with our Ultimate Good, which only That Which Is can know. But neither do we seek death, as you, in your mania do. As in so much else, you create abnormal fears only to seek out the sources of them: Death you fear extraordinarily yet unthinkingly draw to yourselves through myriad self-defeating decisions.

“As for us, no, we do not wish death. But we risk death often in our immersion in fantastic life. We experience life as highly enjoyable, but in knowledge of our blessedness at all times, we view it much as you would sport. So its consequences are no more grave than that in a game.

“So how do we view this death that you fear so much? In this game of life, there are rewards for playing well. These prizes are sometimes food, and this sometimes involves the total vanquishing of one or more of one’s opponents in this play in a way that ends their “game.” On the other side of this, there is the reward of continuing the game longer if one is able to foil one’s opponent’s move toward defeating oneself. There is pleasure in escape; there is pride in being clever enough to fool one’s opponent. You bring forth your remembrance of this apprehension of living that we planetmates have in all the sport, all the play that you do. You are endlessly driven to remember your consciousness as other beings like planetmates, but you do not carry over that feeling into life outside the parameters of that which you call “game” and “sport.”

“But these plays in our lives we know are ultimately of very small significance. Unburdened of the desire to control and completely trusting, rather completely knowing, of the beneficence and beauty of it all, we welcome either outcome. If we win, there is a prize in that. If we lose in this exciting drama, we know there will always be more games, endlessly.

“And why would we not expect as much? Our lives, throughout, are endlessly beautiful and delightfully complex and intriguing. We discover existence to contain elements of surprise and change which make it fascinating. Along with our playful mental twists of these elements, adding to them from the package of previous existence we hold at each moment and which we add to and make more interesting the longer we stay in any particular form, we find life’s unfolding to be immeasurably entrancing, infinitely entertaining, supremely attractive and thus engaging, and in sum, conducive to joy overall.

“So, winning or losing, coming out on top or being freed to begin a new game are equally attractive. This is rooted in a memory of consciousness existing beyond that of the form in which we find ourselves at any time. Because of your amplification of darkness with your untypical births, you have the greatest forgetfulness of your nature in existence. You forget much, not only the other forms and types of consciousness … other “games” you have played, if you will … but you forget much in your current lives. You forget your beginnings.


“All in all, with all this forgetfulness you can project the darkness you have about the beginning of your lives onto the ending of your lives. For you to understand what we are telling you, you must consider how it might be if you did not do this. We do not forget as completely as you do, so we always know that existence is the nature of Existence, or you might say that “consciousness” is the nature of That Which Is. Existence never ends; Consciousness never ends. “I am” is the nature of It All. Consciousness does not begin or end; it is the Reality. It is these games, these forms, this physicality that begins and ends. We are surprised you do not know this, for you can see this all around you in Nature. But Consciousness … Subjectivity simply changes, taking on ever new games, ever new forms.


“So how can we dread the ending of any form when we know that each ending is the beginning of something new and even more exciting? We see our endings of form as being more like releases from the playing which sometimes, with time, loses its appeal or freshness. But only the Divine knows the path to our most perfect joy — whether continuation in one form or initiation of another. So we embrace either as a gift….”


[30th Prasad — Death. More coming….

To see the entire book, to which this will be added eventually (book is two-thirds updated), go to …

Planetmates: The Great Reveal – Michael’s latest book — is now available in print and e-book format.  at Amazon 


To purchase any of Michael Adzema’s books, available in print and e-book formats, go to Michael Adzema’s books at Amazon. ]

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“It is you who are the real barbarians in Nature — actual abominations of Nature. It is you who are actually out-of-control, wild … and yes, bestial and animalistic … in ways we planetmates could never be.”

The Planetmates tell us about the Abominable Human … children as tools and as immortality projects: “You turned childhood into a nightmare…. The dragon of myth is you”:

“…seeing your children as things, and soulless, and as “wild” — after your fall into sedentary-hierarchical ways — you would seek, under the guise of child-“raising” or “rearing,” but also, we see, of “morality,” to make of them things of utility to serve you. You would, essentially, fashion tools of them. You pride yourselves as humans as being above Nature in your tool use; you say that fashioning tools is one of the things that makes you human. From this perspective, however, perhaps now you can see the roots of that urge to fashion tools, for tools magnify your power in controlling things. They expand your abilities to act upon and rearrange Nature and its ways. Just like your “technologies” and your rituals and recipes for bringing Nature and the Divine to heel, as mentioned above, human tool use is a manifestation of your controlling obsession. And children got swept up into that singular mania.


“So, just as you brutalized Nature, to extract from it what you wanted, and controlled it along ways to suit your ends, you did your “wild” children. But in fearful focus on the end-products of your efforts and the achievements to be wrought, you do not see the violence and torture you perpetrate on your own children. Even less do you see the way you wield that kind of barbarism on planetmates and all of the world outside your egos. 


For you use ruthless, unnatural methods of control and “fashioning” which planetmates could never imagine until your kind came along and to this day would never employ themselves. You seek to turn everything into a product of direct consumption or into a “tool” to aid your greedy over-accumulation … now or in the future. All your activities are directed toward those ends, including your family and community lives. 

With these ends of consumption or utility in mind, you provide the necessities of survival for your young and for your captive planetmates. Almost always it is the bare minimum which is given, for any more would cut into the return on investment you anticipate of them, along with, of course, it would be an extra bother on top of your already overworked sedentary self. 

 “Additionally, you train and mold them and us to be of use in your acquisitive aims. You physically constrain your planetmates and force them to fit in with your designs. Your captive planetmates also are trained, molded … oftentimes whipped and beaten … sometimes even tortured … to become the kind of things that you would see as useful. Not much differently, you invest much time teaching and beating these younger things — your children — into the kind of older things you need or can use. 


“Only recently have some of you even coined a term of child abuse. Whereas for most all children of the entirety of post-agrarian human history such a thing was not conceivable. Everything from physical constraint to violence and torture were seen as not just necessary, but prudent and laudable. These “parenting” practices were not simply economically justified, but your cultures managed to morally exalt them. You spanked and said it hurt you more than them. Seeing in them the devil of abomination that was in you, you told yourself and each other it was your “duty” to beat it out of them. We’ve already mentioned your pronouncement that the child would grow up “spoiled” — that is, like you, be selfish and demanding — if she or he was not forcefully and regularly beaten or caned. 

“Compared to the methods of child abuse and torture you devised to beat your children into tools, which came with sedentary ways and its work demands, your earlier infanticide and abandonment are seen as blessings for the child. In truth, you are only now awakening from a long dark reign of child abuse, which was the norm for parenting over the last ten or so thousand years for much of your species. So, childhood, just like birth and infancy, you turned into a nightmare. 

“For you, everything in Nature, including each other, is something to be either consumed/used immediately or to be invested in and nurtured for future consumption and/or use. You laud yourselves as compassionate in “training” and “teaching” your young and planetmates. Yet, sure enough, we watch you raise your dependent children, your vulnerable half-borns, using ways that often involve violence, torture, and many kinds of things Earth Citizens would never imagine doing to our young … not even to each other!

“It is you who are the real barbarians in Nature — actual abominations of Nature. It is you who are actually out-of-control, wild … and yes, bestial and animalistic … in ways we planetmates could never be. The wild beasts, dragons, ogres, and abominable snowman of Nature and legend are you. You are the Abominable Human. The dragon that, in myth, must have to it sacrificed virgins and children to keep the town from being destroyed is you. For you feel your economic survival, your sedentary ways — your “civilization” (the village) — depend upon sacrificing the soul of the child, exactly as Abraham sacrificed the ram — Isaac’s soul or “animal” nature — instead of the actual physical child. 

“So in your self-congratulation of your parenting and your denial of your ruthlessness, you hide your true agendas from even yourselves. Planetmates’ purpose for you is to amplify your ego in any way they can be used to, but the same is true for your children. 

“Indeed, ultimately the purpose of children to you is as palliative for your fear of death. Your grandiosity would have you continue the existence of your ego forever. To that end, children are invested in as immortality projects. They are only useful or desired to the extent they embody you. 

“It is for that reason, that of your blown-up fear of uncertainty and death … ultimately rooted in your birth trauma … that you deprive both children and planetmates of independent life by seeking to turn them into extensions or copies of yourself.

“This desire to control and fashion everything outside of yourselves — including your children — in order ultimately to flee the thought of death represents an abomination in Nature. 

“As you will see, no other planetmate has such a magnified fear of death….”

 [Pt 3 of 29th Prasad — Tool Use. More coming….

To see the entire book, to which this will be added eventually (book is two-thirds updated), go to …

Planetmates: The Great Reveal – Michael’s latest book — is now available in print and e-book format.  at

and at Amazon at 

To purchase any of Michael Adzema’s books, available in print and e-book formats, go to Michael Adzema’s books at Amazon. 

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Juicy quotes from the book, Planetmates – The Great Reveal, by Michael Adzema (2014)

What the Planetmates say … for example….

“They say that an inter-being consciousness is possible that is almost like a coming together of heaven and Earth, and this being so, “something wonderful is going to happen.”“

“we get exactly why you have become the savage species you are. Indeed, we have a feeling in looking upon you very much the same as the way you view some of the most unfortunate of your own: “There but for the grace of God, go I.” “

“Planetmates here reveal the nature of Reality itself, describing it as Being-Awareness-Bliss, and they tell how humans separated from it.”

“They say we scorned “Eden,” rather than were ejected from it. Amazingly, they say that they are the helping, comforting beings we seek in the heavens, calling themselves our “angels in Nature.”“

“the Lucifer or Satan that we mythologize about is, in actuality, ourselves. It is humans who have defied the Divine and the natural order, in the throes of a most unnatural hubris, thinking ourselves equal to the Divine and above all else in Creation.”

“This is the sign on the road telling you that just before you lies the return home to the noble core within you.”

“The Planetmates ask if, with the apocalypse now looming as a result of our “evolution,” we might finally be able to see the lie of our illusions.”

planetmates come to warn, crppd 620pt

“the more twisted humans — those especially who were Controllers and Conformers — beat out more Authentic humans — which for reasons of women being closer to Nature included many of them.”

“in becoming increasingly dominating, sycophantic, and emotionless, we created an emptiness within and outside of us in our social environment a maze-like, fantastical panorama — likened most recently to a matrix. “

“This increasing depravity and separation from Nature is what accounts for human’s being capable of the current environmental crisis and with creating the possibility of planet death — as the result of human endeavor and “ingenuity” — at any moment.”

“The Controller/Conformer alliance dominated in the struggle humans created; it won out easily over the more Authentic humans. “

“With the beginnings of the concept of possession — of little importance prior to sedentary lifeways — Eden became owned….”

“With the focus on individual ownership, we began ourselves being enslaved by what we possessed.”

“Saying, “We watch as humans raise their dependent half-borns, very often using torture, violence, and all kinds of things that the other Earth Citizens would never imagine doing,” Planetmates tell us it is we who are the “animals” in Nature.”

“Consumed with baseless terrors and drowning in relentless mental machinations meant that humans would be less than ideal care-givers and would be neglectful of their children. We are “babies having babies,” they say.”

“they ask if now we possibly can see that this Ego, far from being the “evolution” we claim it to be, is actually arrayed against the survival or ourselves, both individually and as a species.”

“with sedentary ways, humans began wrestling their “angels”: Like Jacob wrestling the unrecognized divinity in the biblical account, in our switch to sedentary life we began confusing Divine Assistance with evil.”

“We forgot the beatific face of difficulties and struggles, and we saw the deprivations and pain of life as things to be avoided at all cost instead of as the blessings and guidance and instructions of Divinity.”

“this “domestication” of ourselves and Nature — this living in one place or sedentary living — has led to and is the root cause of the apocalyptic situation we are in at this very moment.”

“Planetmates say the “agrarian revolution” was the direst development and took the magic out of living. Cast out of the Now, we began living in Time, not Experience, and the richness of life faded. “

“Early humans were foragers and were still in harmony with Nature, but this tranquil time was destined to end.”

“Humans would stand out in Nature as suffering ape — the planetmate least able to partake of life’s enjoyment.”

“We became “human” and separate from all other Earth life at the point in our evolution when we had narrower pelvises, nine-month gestations, birth pain for mothers and newborns, and dependency on caregivers for survival for the first few years of life.”

“They delineate how bipedalism caused birth pain and how that is the beginning of our becoming so different from all of Nature … and so tragic, as they put it.”

“our minds are suffused and distracted with word symbols, which imprison and isolate us in a world of bookmarks of Reality, not Reality itself.”

“They say these dim reflections of What Is are often nonsensical and keep us blind to a wondrous Reality, which they and other beings do apprehend.”

“We, planetmates, are acting our role in this drama in coming to warn you. It is our part to reawaken your memory of your noble heritage.”

Planetmates fr cover, final, 620 pt

“magnifying life’s pain is what humans do that makes us unique in Nature. Yet that mistake, Planetmates say, is what holds the key to our survival … our redemption.”

“if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together.”

“do you not see the Divine Providence you have turned your back on, resisted, even defied appearing here and now to welcome you home?”

“It is simple: You need to give the Universe a chance. Have faith that you can “stand” it, that the Universe does not contain things you cannot “stand,” things that would somehow “destroy” you or make you deranged.”

“Since Consciousness can never really “die” or be destroyed, there is nothing dire about the ending of a life; it is seen as simply another game beginning.”

“they embrace life or death as a gift, feeling that their most perfect joy is determined through either outcome and by a benevolence more knowledgeable than them as to which that would be.”

“The Planetmates say we did just as much “family farming” between the walls of our homes as we did in our fields … that our obsession to control had us raising our children in the same ignoble way we did crops and livestock.”

“They do not wish death, they say, but they risk it often in their immersion in a life experienced as fantastic and enjoyable”

“Planetmates explain that child abuse has been, until only recently, the norm for parenting of our young.”

“We say, “A man’s home is his castle.” In this we express how we would replace God Herself in the creation of our own personal Edens — in which everything has its reason for existing as being us.”

“The expulsion from Paradise that came with sedentary ways demanded increasingly complex, however vapid, entrancements — ritual and mores — of culture as compensation, however empty, for the loss. “

“According to our nonhuman brothers and sisters, humans secretly think, “There’s nothing really alive but me.”“

“the root of all our problems is our obsession to control and its resulting domination of everything around us.”

“We left behind the community and tribe life of our nomadic forebears for economic reasons that grew out of our sedentary-hierarchical societies.”

“We erected shrines to family equal to our terror of the uncontrolled.”

“what we place on high, use to boost our estimation of ourselves over all other living beings, and attribute to divine origins even is most often just a swirl of ritualistic craving and trickling satisfaction set in motion by keenly felt but supremely denied hurt.”

“Society and culture took the place of our missing connection with Nature; people became more “socialized” and “social” to make up for the sense of real belongingness and connection with Divinity they lost in the course of evolution. “

“Regarding evolution, they reiterate the way, with each dubious evolutionary “advance,” we enlarged our capacity for and appetite to control everything around us.”

“Humans are seen as sad, often laughable in the exactitude of their opposite- (of the Truth in every way imaginable) headedness, or, “wrong-gettedness.”“

“The Planetmates detail the characteristics of our perfectly unnatural Ego and show how our twin aberrations of controlling and conforming mark an ultimate break with the Divine and an ultimate opposite construct of being and consciousness. “

“It is nothing less than astonishing to see the outlines of current events in the patterns of social and economic interaction that began in prehistory, after the adoption of farming and the end of the nomadic lifestyle.”

“Storage of owned things created more greed — “unplanetmate-like greed” — along with an “unplanetmate-like” desire for more control, extending now beyond the planetmates of Nature to even those of our own species.”

“accumulating things led to controlling others”

“they have served us that way over the millennia in their roles as pets and “domesticated animals” — lives which they say they chose in their compassion, and pity, of the darkened lives we humans had created for ourselves”

“Planetmates were plucked from Nature’s perfect blueprint, set to our ends, driven by our brains crazed from early trauma. “

“when we were insensitive enough to begin killing fellow planetmates, it was only a matter of time before we were able to kill each other.”

“our end of innocence was brought about by ourselves; humans ejected themselves from “Eden.”“

Planetmates cover, final, 620 pt

[Planetmates: The Great Reveal, in print and e-book formats, is now available on Amazon

To purchase any of Michael Adzema’s books, available in print and e-book formats, go to Michael Adzema’s books at Amazon. ]


Planet of the Apes? Thunderdome? No. But Only If We Are Lucky: Our Primal Return May Indeed Be a Primal Renaissance

A Grand Synthesis of Natural and Technological Consciousness Is Possible … But the Ego Fights to the End: Beware of Skinhead Spirituality


The Primal Renaissance

So what I am saying is that our advanced technology, itself a product of an unhealthy dissociated ego state that is called Western consciousness, seems, simply fortuitously … or through the grace of God … to be having the effect of intense consciousness change—yes! . . . but essentially back in the direction of what has been normal for our species for at least sixty thousand and possibly millions of years but, this time, while retaining … if we are lucky … the boons of technology.


Planet of the Apes? Thunderdome? No. But Only If We Are Lucky

Some people think that the only way our consciousness will return to normal is with the loss of technology and the re-creation of the primal state. Thus they picture “Planet of the Apes” and post-nuclear “Thunderdome” scenarios.


But I believe that we may just be lucky enough … God may be merciful enough … to allow us to keep the fruits of the extended Western aberration of consciousness; we may just be allowed to keep some of the toys we acquired from our prodigal days.


There is nothing written in stone, after all, that says that people cannot enjoy the benefits of things produced from “unholy” vessels. Indeed, in the perfect universe that we are beginning to finally re-apprehend, it is clear that all things are useful and to some good end in God’s universe.


For example, the legacy and benefits of democracy that we enjoy are not lost or neutralized by our realization that our founding American fathers were chauvinists and slave-owners.

So basically I am saying that I disagree that we are evolving into a new, advanced species, a Homo noeticus. For one thing, it has been pointed out that brain size has actually declined slightly over the past 100,000 years (Winkelman, 1990, p. 28).

The Primal Return

No. What I believe is that in fact consciousness change is happening … especially in Western culture … but in the direction of a return to a more truly human and natural state—one that characterized our species for millions of years.

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I am asserting that our Western mental illness, our cultural aberration of consciousness is reversing and healing. However we may be keeping with us, along with our natural self, some fruits of that extended aberration. And these boons we may only fortuitously or through God’s grace … and not through any particular heroics or “super”man virtue … be allowed to keep.


Now, that combination of a healthy consciousness and advanced technology may be truly new on this planet. And even of that we cannot be sure. For certainly—and White would agree—likely it has occurred in other places of the universe many times—so that there is no need for species-ego-aggrandizement here, by any means.

A Grand Synthesis of Which We Should Only Be Grateful

Still certainly this possibility of a grand synthesis of natural consciousness and scientific-technological acumen is reason for excitement and rejoicing. It is without doubt something we should seek. But there is no need to march in the streets or “we’re number 1!” about it. If this is our fortuitous outcome, we have just been lucky. We can only be grateful to the Universe for conspiring to correct our transgressions before we, indeed, “killed us all off”!


In Light of the Pre- and Perinatal, Spirituality Re-Visioned

In closing, I wish to say I hope I have conveyed why I believe that the exclusion of the prenatal and perinatal information from Wilber’s otherwise comprehensive and laudable schema of transpersonal development leaves it lacking and flawed. I feel that this entire area of integration between the two—the prenatal/perinatal and the transpersonal/spiritual—is considerably more complex and important than has been assumed … certainly that it should not be dismissed, or ignored. Indeed, I feel that the inclusion of pre- and perinatal evidence is crucial for any map of consciousness that purports to be a guide to spiritual evolution.


Cosmic consciousness is not aided by a “fully functioning ego” or by ego-actualization. The age-old admonitions against the lures and enticements, the devices and strategies of ego are as apt in this day as they’ve always been.

The Ego Fights to the End

220px-Ken_Wilber_10The ego does not surrender easily. It sends out its emissaries of diversion and disruption, of fear and insecurity, to trip up the gullible and the arrogant. Yet surrender is what is required. The tendency to try to control and to ritualize our native experience is what is to be resisted. Banners such as “Homo noeticus” and “fully functioning ego” may bring temporary relief from the difficult task of ego resistance, dismantling of ego defenses, and confrontation with the painful aspects of the unconscious, the Shadow, in the ego-inflation inherent in such standards.

Beware of Skinhead Spirituality

skinhead-spiritualitySaint-Spock-2But it is as wise to align oneself with these tokens to fend off one’s necessary insecurity (see Watts, 1951) as it is a good idea to join up with the KKK or the skinheads as a way of dealing with the same kind of insecurities of changing … and growing … sociopolitical, cultural, and economic events. In fact the responses are much alike. And they should be equally resisted.



Continue with The Earliest Yuppies, 25,000 Years Ago, Cast Us Out of the Garden. We Are Returning … Now: Out of Eden—Agrarian Revolution … Return to Eden—Primal Renaissance

Return to It’s Pure Egoism to Think We’re Evolving to a New Consciousness. If We’re Lucky We’ll Regain the One We’ve Lost

To Access the Entire Book, of which this is an excerpt, Go To Falls from Grace
Falls from Grace: The Devolution and Revolution of Consciousness, by Michael Adzema, will be published and available in print and e-book format in May, 2014


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