30th Prasad – Death

The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Thirtieth Prasad:

“Kill and Be Killed”: Planetmates Do Not Fear Death the Way Humans Do

“Since … Consciousness … Can Never Really ‘Die’ or Be Destroyed, There Is Nothing Dire About Death; It Is Seen as Simply Another Game Beginning.” – 30th Prasad of The Great Reveal

eagles.fighting.to.be.first.in.line.to.eat.moose.bwap7Planetmates Tell Us, We Embrace Life or Death as a Gift, for Only the Divine Knows the Path to Our Most Perfect Joy—Whether Continuation in One Form or Initiation of Another



Planetmates Release the Thirtieth Prasad

We do not wish death. But we risk death often in our immersion in fantastic life. We experience life as highly enjoyable, but in knowledge of our blessedness at all times, we view it much as you would sport. So its consequences are no more grave than that in a game.

Hyena is first consciousness at the Thirtieth Prasad.

“Since…consciousness…can never really “die” or be destroyed, there is nothing dire about [death]; it is seen as simply another game beginning.”

The Thirtieth Prasad – “Kill or Be Killed”

First off, we would not imagine keeping and using another Earth Citizen.

Certainly, we find that the Reality that sustains us includes a plan wherein some of us prey upon others and the others try to get away. The prize for winning, if one is the predator, is food, which extends one’s life; the prize for winning, if one is the prey, is escape from becoming food, which extends their life.

But in that all lives end; and most are not very long at all; and because there is no reason to not expect that this Reality that suffuses and defines us is anything but Beauty, in that our abode of existence is paradisiacal in its beauty, complexity, and qualities of change and surprise which are, along with our imagination, the foundation of a lifetime of entertainment, engagement, and joy, losing is of no more consequence to losing any other kind of game. And since new games can begin at any time, i.e., consciousness continues and takes on new forms always, and can never really “die” or be destroyed, there is nothing dire about it; it is seen as simply another game beginning.


Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirtieth Prasad” — by SillyMickel Adzema

We, planetmates, could never conceive of doing what humans do in the throes of their controlling mania. We would never care to, let alone seek to, keep and control the destinies of others or use them to inspire phantasms of vanity. If nothing else, we would see that as an unnecessary burden. In trying to craft your future that way, you cannot take in nor enjoy the blessings of the present. That is why it is called that, in fact, for it is a gift. The present is a gift that humans do not open.

This is ironic, for as we have said, you refuse Divine Providence, whose only stipulation is that you accept the pain of uncertainty so you might enjoy the gift presented afterward of knowing you are always loved…which we have compared to waiting till Christmas to open one’s gifts. In doing this, you create the exact opposite abnormality—when you actually receive a blessing in the present, you then wait to “open” it. You will not bide your time waiting for your blessings; but when you receive them, then, you decide to wait. In this way, again, you create that which you tend to flee from. This is just another way in which you create the “hell” in existence that you fear and, unbelievably, attribute to a loving God.

But we do have inner knowing of such a Providence. This Reality sustains us throughout life. We therefore have no doubt that Its blessings include the ending of this game in a manner, uncertain as is all of life, but in accordance with our Ultimate Good, which only That Which Is can know. But neither do we seek death, as you, in your mania do. As in so much else you create abnormal fears only to seek out the sources of them…death you fear extraordinarily yet unthinkingly draw to yourselves through myriad self-defeating decisions.

As for us, no, we do not wish death. But we risk death often in our immersion in fantastic life. We experience life as highly enjoyable, but in knowledge of our blessedness at all times, we view it much as you would sport. So its consequences are no more grave than that in a game.

So how do we view this death that you fear so much? In this game of life, there are rewards for playing well. These prizes are sometimes food, and this sometimes involves the total vanquishing of one or more of one’s opponents in this play in a way that ends their “game.” On the other side of this, there is the reward of continuing the game longer if one is able to foil one’s opponent’s move toward defeating oneself. There is pleasure in escape; there is pride in being clever enough to fool one’s opponent. You bring forth your remembrance of this apprehension of living that we planetmates have in all the sport, all the play that you do. You are endlessly driven to remember your consciousness as other beings like planetmates, but you do not carry over that feeling into life outside the parameters of that which you call “game” and “sport.”

But these plays in our lives we know are ultimately of very small significance. Unburdened of the desire to control and completely trusting, rather completely knowing of the beneficence and beauty of it all, we welcome either outcome. If we win, there is a prize in that. If we lose in this exciting drama, we know there will always be more games, endlessly.

And why would we not expect as much? Our lives, throughout, are endlessly beautiful and delightfully complex and intriguing. We discover existence to contain elements of surprise and change which make it fascinating. Along with our playful mental twists of these elements, adding to them from the package of previous existence we hold at each moment and which we add to and make more interesting the longer we stay in any particular form, animals,cute,cat,happiness,joy,kiss-78a3ce53d1d4f155b6c0b24a896c2ea1_hwe find life’s unfolding to be immeasurably entrancing, infinitely entertaining, supremely attractive and thus engaging, and in sum, conducive to joy overall.

So, winning or losing, coming out on top or being freed to begin a new game are equally attractive. This is rooted in a memory of consciousness existing beyond that of the form in which we find ourselves at any time. Because of your amplification of darkness with your untypical births, you have the greatest forgetfulness of your nature in existence. You forget much, not only the other forms and types of consciousness…other “games” you have played, if you will…but you forget much in your current lives. You forget your beginnings.

All in all with all this forgetfulness you can project the darkness you have about the beginning of your lives onto the ending of your lives. For you to understand what we are telling you, you must consider how it might be if you did not do this. We do not forget as completely as you do, so we always know that existence is the nature of Existence, or you might say that “consciousness” is the nature of That Which Is. Existence never ends; Consciousness never ends. “I am” is the nature of It All. Consciousness does not begin or end; it is the Reality. It is these games, these forms, this physicality that begins and ends. We are surprised you don’t know this, for you can see this all around you in Nature. But Consciousness … Subjectivity simply changes, taking on ever new games, ever new forms.

squirrel.friends.animals,cute,love,wild,life,animal,kiss-0234b807ffd68088bcbc8b2247324e1d_hSo how can we dread the ending of any form when we know that each ending is the beginning of something new and even more exciting. We see our endings of form as being more like releases from the playing which sometimes, with time, loses its appeal or freshness. But only the Divine knows the path to our most perfect joy—whether continuation in one form or initiation of another. So we embrace either as a gift.

Continue with The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Thirty-First Prasad:

Light and Darkness, Happiness and Pain: Planetmates Say Human Pain Is Greater Than Theirs

Return to The Great Reveal, Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Twenty-Ninth Prasad. Child Abuse and Human Tool Use – Humans Become Abominations in Nature

Interchanging mind control
Come let the, revolution takes its toll
If you could, flick the switch and open your third eye
You’d see that, we should never be afraid to die
(So come on)

Continue with The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Thirty-First Prasad:

Light and Darkness, Happiness and Pain: Planetmates Say Human Pain Is Greater Than Theirs

Return to The Great Reveal, Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Twenty-Ninth Prasad. Child Abuse and Human Tool Use – Humans Become Abominations in Nature

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