Free Will and Fate: Do you really think you could be reading this and…. Part Two of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful


Free Will and Fate, Part Two of Elaboration of The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen”


[W]hat you will decide is determined by your fate, not some momentary trick of “will.” You are either to be one of those pulling for life or to be one opposing that and continuing in self-destruction…. However, do you really think that you could be hearing this (reading this) and be one of those dimly aware ones who will continue in self-destruction?


Part Two of Paraphrase/ Elaboration of “The Thirty-Third Prasad”: Free Will and Fate: In order for you to hear this….

planet-earthYou say, however, “But you have told us we have no free will. So, we cannot decide, for we do not have an ability to make a decision.”

work.4426357.2.flat,550x550,075,f.god-walking-in-the-gardenIt is true that what will happen is meant to happen. And it will result from the cumulative actions of all humans alive, not you alone. It is also meant to be that some of you will not heed us; while some of you will. The result will depend on how many will do one or the other, which ultimately is decided by the All, not any one of us.

It is also true that what is meant to happen is not known to anyone, save the All That Is. The events can go in either direction as far as we know.


But do you not see that humans do not make decisions as a species but as individual actors? funny-god-jokerIt matters little at this moment what humans decide here and now but only what you decide. It is your future only that is manifesting this second.

But as you are implying, what you will decide is determined by your fate, not some momentary trick of “will.” You are either to be one of those pulling for life or to be one opposing that and continuing in self-destruction.Nebuchadnezzar It is also possible that you will be one of those to simply watch and agonize, aware of what can be done but choosing not to act. And which of these three is for you to do has really already been decided.

mutus_liber_1_441x626However, do you really think that you could be hearing this (reading this) and be one of those dimly aware ones who will continue in self-destruction? For you to have been led to this, to hear this, it should be clear to you that it is your fate to be one of those either watching, helplessly, in agonized awareness as it turns one way or another handsholdingtrees.4xor to be one who will be sanctified and uplifted by all this, ennobled again, and caught up in and fulfilled joyously by participating in the the grandest drama this planet has ever known. For this is the penultimate game of this planet, and humans are the prime participants. You will, individually, either heed warnings such as this…you will be drawn once again to a noble nature…or you will not.


The Thirty-Third Prasad: Something Wonderful to Happen

secret-garden7-berceaux-inside_thumbmatrix-pod_thumbIn not choosing you have actually chosen your demise. We have come to remind you, to pluck your memory, to wake you, and to warn you. The rest is up to you, and we will all feel the results of your indecision quite soon if you do not heed us.

However, if you choose to be noble planetmates again and join with Nature in its defense, we will continue on in greater alliance together. The Earthly adventure can continue virtually without end. For in this case, something wonderful is going to happen. (final prasad)


Continue with You Have Always Known…. This is just a reminder. Part Three of 33rd and Final Prasad from Planetmates — Something Wonderful

coming soon to this book/blog

Return to The Great Reveal, Chapter Forty-One: The Thirty-Third Prasad. “Something Wonderful Is Going to Happen,” say Planetmates.

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About sillymickel

Activist, psychotherapist, pre- and perinatal psychologist, author, and environmentalist. I seek to inspire others to our deeper, more natural consciousness, to a primal, more delightful spirituality, and to taking up the cause of saving life on this planet, as motivated by love.

Posted on February 13, 2012, in Anthropology, authenticity, being yourself, Consciousness, Environmentalism, Evolution, God, individualism, life, meaning, Metaphysics, Mystical, nonconform, Philosophy, Primal Spirit, Primal Spirituality, Psychology, Religion, Spirituality, uniqueness and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

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