Keynote 2 – Message to Half-Borns

The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part Two: Message to the Half-Borns Continues


A Planetmate’s Reveal … and Warning … Continued: Horse Sense, Part Two — Message to the Half-Borns


A Planetmate’s Reveal…and Warning…Continued

OK, we’re back to hear Ed out … no doubt his philosophy of “only talking when he’s got something to say” didn’t work out too well as he’s telling us a lot of things that must’ve been building up inside of him over all those years. But, he seems to know more about us, and even about God! Geez! than we do. I mean if you haven’t heard him yet, return to the last chapter and check out what he’s already revealed about us that I’m sure no human ever even thought of.

Now, let’s see, I’ve got two cliches I could use here and I’m kinda torn….. hmmm….

OH, CHRIST! He’s getting pissed out there, bangin’ against the stable wall. OK, quickly then. Going with, “Well sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to really see yourself.” Well it goes something like that, any way, gotta run….

“Sorry, Ed. I guess I had to go even worse than I thought. Anyway, please do tell.” [continued after audio]

Horse Sense: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying,
The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks!

Mister Ed is back. And would you believe even he’s pissed at Bush! … and more than a bit miffed at Wilber. But he’s bringing a message to all of us from our tolerant but at long last fed-up co-creators and c0-owners and fellow planetmates on Spaceship Earth.

Category: Environment, Green, Economics, Spirituality, Spiritual Fantasy, Prophecy, Mythology, Politics, Religion, and Philosophy

The dramatic, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, audio reading of this part contains additional material, elaborations of the text on this page.

“Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars…”

For the author’s impassioned rendition of this part, click above for the audiocast where it is posted on the Hark site. Or listen in hear by clicking the player below.
Image of Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks! Mr. Ed is back, and Would You Believe Even He’s Pissed at Bush!… But He’s Bringing

Oh, and well, yeah, here’s Ed:

So we have it that you have not only brought us all—and this is the point I’m getting to that requires me to speak whether you hear me or not—not only brought us all close to the point at which all of us could easily be gone…. And who knows how much of the planet would be uncontaminated as well…. And it could happen so quickly and so soon that even I might be forced to witness and be part of it.

And for what? Again, your fear has made you hate everything outside of yourself…why even everything inside of yourself too, we have noticed. So that we see that an alarming number of you would accept and not think it all that tragic if your crazy ways—the source of our concern for you as well as our humor—would result in the end of everything here.

This, in total disregard of the billions of generations of your species and others on this planet that set entire lives to making this home of ours the best that it could be. For even that whom you deem as mere creatures or animals, all have had a part in that Divine Perfection and a mission of some small or large part in sustaining and maintaining it. We did this all without your forcing us to or controlling us.

But with these tendencies of your kind to be uncaring of everything except your getting relief from your fears, and in so doing, we hear that a mass extinction of nearly half of the species on this planet, in the next few decade the way I understand it, is what we are to expect, and it, of course, has already begun and is picking up momentum even as I speak.

Those of you that know this, even those who are trying to awaken others to it, and doing something to educate others about what is causing it…. Well, heck, Wil-ber, how can your species be so utterly vain and self-centered and stupid as to not see, and if it is seen why is it not said then…to not comprehend the magnitude of such a thing and what it would really mean. I mean, was it your species that created, sustained, and nurtured and guided those beings for millions, in some cases, billions of years, into the performance of their unique contribution to the sustaining of this beautiful planet?

Does your kind have any idea how long the perfect balance of all beings in harmony with the needs of the planet itself, any idea of just how long such an exquisite and complex perfection was in the making?

More than how long, are you not aware, even as your mucking around on this planet with your heavy Caterpillar boots has devastated and stripped bare works of exquisite ecological complexity like rainforests and such? And don’t you see that it is that same Perfection Beingness in which we all swim and dwell that is the force behind all that?

But you wouldn’t care about that. So what I’m saying is that when these things you’ve done have led, as they have, to climatological disasters, floods, famines, and much else—which have cost so many of your lives—still does your kind not take the hint?

The hint that if your kind is actually doing so much damage as to eradicate half of the species that still remain—the products of billions of years of, using your word, “divine” orchestration…. Is your kind so fearful that they would rather die and kill us all rather than come to an obvious conclusion? That obviously….

Wilber, in all seriousness now….

Hmm, I think only an analogy might give you the glimpse of what’s at stake: Imagine that a doctor told you that you were infected with a disease, a disease that won’t kill you just yet, but you will notice, unfortunately, that in a few decades, if not sooner…and, oh, by the way you’ve probably already been feeling the effects because it’s already begun. Anyway, just be prepared that in roughly a few short decades you will have lost, in an entirely random manner, half of your body’s parts. I mean, organs, parts of organs, like glands, and so on. They will just be gone. But cheer up, you would no doubt qualify for Social Security Disability and at least wouldn’t have to work!

Do you still not see? That is how we see your species. We watch in disgust as you calmly go about feasting on your own entrails while still alive. We expect that you would, Hannibal-Lector style and before it is over, even try a bit of your own fried brain, nicely sautéed. Do you get it yet, Wil -Ber!?

This is only one scenario; and with global warming, ozone loss, and global radiation, it appears it may not even be the biggest danger to our survival—all of us—in an even shorter period. But again, have you no concept of how much your lives have been intertwined and dependent on all the other beings here for the entire time of your existence?

What has happened to your people, so fearful as to give away their very souls, their very conscience, indeed, their very memories of their experiences and what they learned from them, for trinkets, for adulation of others who will—everyone of them—be dead, Wilber, will cease to exist along with everything else? So while your Republicans make a game out of the efforts of others to avert what is probably not able to be averted now, for how long did your kind sit and do nothing while these things were known at the highest levels of your society?

I mean, in astonishment we watched as a caring, concerned generation of you over forty years ago became aware of these things and made your entire world aware, so much so that the very things that your current president is trying now…after you so horribly took away all tools and resources from him, so that he has been handicapped from the start…. But the very things he’s attempting and being charged with stealing from generations to come in order to accomplish…. Well, Wilber, not only were these things attempted by one of your presidents over thirty years ago—a peanut farmer, mellow sort of guy with a huge engaging grin, like Obama in that way he is—not only did he try, being as aware as the youth of that time who had rallied in the streets to support us…

…and oh, how that touched our hearts…


Not only did this former president try to begin the process of transforming your systems to ones that would not hurt the planet, and not only did he fail as even some in his own party were so abhorrently ignorant as to buck him—instead contending that it was the short term gains of the time that should be focused on (those short term gains, now, what were they?)…


But we watched as your species seemed to grow more rabidly self-destructive as his wisdom did not only land on deaf ears, but he was punished for even bringing it up. Your kind, you hideously rich sorts, say there are different reasons for the fate of this humble farmer. But then, how can you believe a species whose regard for truth is so minuscule that it can be given away for a little bit of attention even?

ronald-reagan-na-na-naAnd we have no such leanings or even understand them, so we’ve all seen clearly what was done: Hating the truth of the grinning farmer, you have turned and bowed to the lying leaders, like your most recent president, the W, and especially the one who in 1980 began the process of stomping out the truth that had flowered earlier giving us all hope. While those presidents did much harm, why the one is even being honored as somehow great, even as his legacy may be that he destroyed the only chance this planet had of making it through a hundred years.

And, ironically enough this buffoon king is revered just as your world descends into an economic collapse he set in motion. And this starvation of ability that is his legacy could be of a kind that might just be the thing that eliminates all hope…for we see a globe lacking in resources to fight for its very life in the biggest struggle for survival ever seen on this multi-billion-year-old planet…. Does your kind even know how long a billion years are?!

Well, in a time that is many times over a billion, this planet has never before seen such a scepter of death hanging over it…. And this person who is praised roundly—even by some of your Democrats, again it must be that desperate wanting to be liked you guys have—his big accomplishment, exactly, was what again? Oh, he cut taxes and was supposed to be for smaller government.

So, as we approach the end of all beings, all stories ending in one final, perhaps agonizingly stretched out period of years of horror and insanity as those still alive watch the kind of horrific ending that even your best Hollywood folks could not imagine….

We watch, death all around us, and know that it will come sweeping our way at any time…so much in fear—now there’s a fear that’s real beyond all imagining, not like those imaginary fears of yours that has brought us here….

So as this occurs, will we still be lauding this supposed great god, The Reagan, who convinced the world—rather than to listen to the youth and the previous president and to prepare for this horror—instead charmed the world, like a snake charmer, into forgetting itself and its survival and into focusing on money…and not even the prosperity of the majority…?

No, rather Reagan began again that thousands of years old evil of your kind of the powerful feeding on the less powerful making them weaker, and despairing again. And not only stealing from those below them, but Reagan actually began that horrible slide, the end result we are sinking down with right now, of stealing from the generations to come. For though claiming to be a tight-fisted conservative determined, supposedly, to slash away at a government too big and costing too much money, in fact, he did quite the opposite…much like his more recent little protégé, the W. Between Reagan and his successor, the elder Bush, they managed nearly a four-hundred percent rise in the National Debt and never balanced a budget.

As for big government, while he slashed programs—“budget cuts” they were called—he bloated the military, as if that were somehow not considered government. In essence his theories were the old rehashed rationalizations of strong men down through the ages—kings, tyrants, nobles—all those who loudly proclaimed—as if by repeating it enough it could make it true—that they, the rich and privileged were the best managers of wealth and so they proceed with their robbing and stripping away of the prosperity of all those below them, keeping them on a level of bare subsistence.

By the way, we know, for we witnessed it, that that extra seemingly unnecessary stripping away of any form of wealth that might grant a little security was not done for the earlier reasons: that is, the “we’re better managers and will make us all prosperous” rationale.

No, for it seems that no matter how facile your kind is in lying even to itself, your kind still has some kind of basic survival mechanism that tells them that they have in fact performed great evil—great evil and suffering that could very well result in an uprising against them by an enraged populace.

But then under Reagan, just as now in the eight years under Bush the W where it became increasingly clear to the overseers that only the complete stomping into the dirt of the other than wealthy could keep them from rising up in revolt…Yes, then too, part of them knew the great wrong they were doing and were fearful—so what else is new? —your kind doing the greatest of evils and terrorizing and murdering because of the fears that the tyrants harbor.

So these class wars—well hardly wars.… For with the wealthy always and everywhere not only controlling and directing the Muscle and Might—used to keep the masses down and humbled and suffering and near starving, as a way of keeping them from getting strong enough to rise up in anger—but they control as well all the information systems.

That is why, indeed, so many of you will disregard truth so easily. For you do know that saying the truth, down through the ages, got people killed.

When I say they controlled the information I mean that they pronounced for all that lived under their thumb what exactly the truth was: what attitudes to have, even, what religion one had to believe in. And so they, like those of the current era—should there be one daring to “not mind his own business” and to find out and to spread some of the realities of their lot and the truths, inconvenient to those in power of course, which would tear a hole in their cruder but just as pervasive and hypnotic unreality—well these people were, sometimes in full view so as to warn others, and other times, like under Pinochet, or the Chinese at the time of the Tiananmen Square, there would be an outside disapproving world to such behavior, so these outspoken people simply disappeared in the dead of night.

So, Wilber, the point I’m making is that you now find yourself, like those thieves of old, making a game out of the suppression, murder, and suffering of the masses, as a way of controlling the fear inside you that you have.

Because for so long you have been estranged and not trusting of the Perfect All That Is that managed to sustain billions upon billions, nay, trillions of beings of all kinds on this planet…. And so many countless of them playing their parts in this planet’s slow development, living and dying, even before your species existed. And in your short existence, how you have managed to muck up the perfection wrought by so many over such a long period?

Are we sorry for you? Yes. For with your fears and pain you are the saddest of all beings here. But that sadness, and that fear that covers it, is no excuse for the angry murderous rage that is layered over the fear and partakes of its energy—a rage that is horrific enough directed against your own, but now is taking down all life and obliterating the histories and efforts of untold trillions of souls who’ve lived and died before us—human and nonhuman.

So, Wil-ber, that is why I must speak up, that is why I no longer can stand mutely by as you laugh at your supposed mere prankishness. For, Wilber, it was never “mere” and it was never only prankish to the people whose lives were shunted into a stifling, suffering, and brutishly short existence, who cried horribly as loved ones died, were raped to death at times, and suffered so many things that you have no conception of. Nor do you want to be aware of the consequences of your actions. Your kind never did. That is how you were able to see yourself as just mischievous sorts when to others you appeared very much to be devils from hell—can you handle that?

Well, finally it must be said. And I will end this discourse by saying the things that your kind are, currently, striving not to hear and are actually, as you lose your support among the people who finally have suffered too much and many also seeing that this kind of insanity cannot be allowed to happen at such a crucial time for the survival of us all. Yes, again, just like in that time before that President Carter, we again have a generation, indeed we have a generation and we have many from all generations now living who will not take the purple pill of unconsciousness as they see the madness of the ages as perpetrated by your kind of others magnified beyond all imagining at a time when our survival requires we get every break we can.

So how crazy your kind, how cruel your Republicans, how unbelievably evil your kind, so greedy and uncaring of the suffering and death you cause that at this worst possible moment you are not merely the rich, but so voracious your appetite that the term “filthy rich” has been put on you.

And while Republicans were actually proud of that and thinking it humorous that anyone would be offended, for to them it meant that despite their losing their control over the minds of the masses, they had accumulated so much wealth that they would not and could not be hurt. They would be able, as always, to use that wealth to undermine the legitimate strivings of everyone else for justice, for the truth, for relief from suffering, but now even for the survival of us all and, dear Wilber, how can your kind not know that includes themselves as well. Still, these truths must be made known and be thrown up to counter those fewer but somehow even more loudly heard Republicans.

The truth is this: That your kind has suffered greatly because of a fear that caused you to stray from trusting in a good God, as you put it. That caused you to instead strive mightily to control the powers that would have guided and taught you and given you a happier life than you could ever have designed on your own…oh sadly feeble-minded ape in suffering pushed to be insane ape…. And railing against all that by claiming superiority over all life and Godlike powers of deciding death, now even determining the death of the planet along with yourselves.

So sad, so insane, so abhorrently unconsciously evil; and in the end, it is not naked or sexual or big-brained ape that will be on your galactic epitaph. As your deeds are already being known and discussed and are astonishing many species lucky enough to not be of this planet right at this time. Yet they’ve come to watch the spectacle, to see: Will you pull off the most incredible turnaround the galaxies have ever heard of to save yourselves? Or will that epitaph go forth to accompany the knowledge of your existence: “Stupid ape” is what it will be.

Continue with The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part Three: Spirit “Word” Has It

Return to The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part One: Return to Nobility

Horse Sense: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks!

Mister Ed is back. And would you believe even he’s pissed at Bush! … and more than a bit miffed at Wilber. But he’s bringing a message to all of us from our tolerant but at long last fed-up co-creators and c0-owners and fellow planetmates on Spaceship Earth.

Category: Environment, Green, Economics, Spirituality, Spiritual Fantasy, Prophecy, Mythology, Politics, Religion, and Philosophy

The dramatic, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, audio reading of this part contains additional material, elaborations of the text on this page.

“Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars…”

For the author’s impassioned rendition of this part, click above for the audiocast where it is posted on the Hark site. Or listen in hear by clicking the player below.
Image of Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks! Mr. Ed is back, and Would You Believe Even He’s Pissed at Bush!… But He’s Bringing

Mister Ed, Speaking for All Planetmates, Begins Humans’ Great Reveal

This audiocast contains Mr. Ed’s wearied calling out of the human race. It is a different reading from the one at the top of the page, although the material duplicates the Mr. Ed speaking part of the above.

This is Mr. Ed speaking by himself, on his own, giving the “keynote speech” of The Great Reveal, on behalf of all planetmates.

Listen by clicking the link to the audio site above or here by clicking the player below.
Image of “Mr. Ed, Speaking For All PlanetMates, Begins Human’s Great Reveal” by SillyMickel Adzema

Continue with The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part Three: Spirit “Word” Has It

Return to The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part One: Return to Nobility

To Read the Entire Book … on-line, free at this time … of which this is one chapter, Go to The Great Reveal by the Planetmates

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  1. Pingback: Horse Sense, Part One: George W. Bush-League Players and Message to Half-Borns Begins « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  2. Pingback: Apocalyptice Wake-Up Call Begins: Planetmates Reveal Nobility and Urge We Reclaim Ours | Apocalypse – NO!

  3. Pingback: The Great Reveal, Prelude and Keynote | Apocalypse – NO!

  4. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  5. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote | Becoming Authentic

  6. Pingback: Prelude and Keynote, The Great Reveal by the Planetmates « Culture War, Class War

  7. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote | Apocalypse – NO!

  8. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  9. Pingback: Planetmates Ask, How Can Your Species Be so Vain and Self-Centered as to Not See That in Killing Us You Also Will Die? Keynote of Great Reveal, Part 4 « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  10. Pingback: The Earth in Its Billions of Years “Has Never Seen Such a Specter of Death Hanging Over It,” Planetmates Scold Us in Part Five of Keynote « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  11. Pingback: According to Planetmates, We Now Have a Rising Up of People Who, Defying the Madness of the Ages, Will Not Take the Purple Pill of Unconsciousness « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  12. Pingback: Return to Nobility: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part One | Culture War, Class War

  13. Pingback: Spirit “Word” Has It: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part Three – A Planetmate’s “Tough Love” | Culture War, Class War

  14. Pingback: Spirit “Word” Has It: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part Three – A Planetmate’s “Tough Love” | The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  15. Pingback: George W. Bush-League Players and Message to Half-Borns Begins: Horse Sense, Part One | Apocalypse – NO!

  16. Pingback: What’s In the Offing – Earth Citizen’s Planning The Great Reveal: Horse Sense, Part Three | Apocalypse – NO!

  17. Pingback: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part One: Return to Nobility | Becoming Authentic

  18. Pingback: A Planetmate’s “Tough Love”: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part Three – Spirit “Word” Has It | Becoming Authentic

  19. Pingback: Horse Sense, Part One: George W. Bush-League Players and Message to Half-Borns Begins | Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  20. Pingback: Horse Sense, Part Three: What’s In the Offing – Earth Citizen’s Planning The Great Reveal | Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

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