Funny God 2 – Fear, Earliest Preschool

 Funny God, Part Two:
Human Fear and The Absolute Earliest Preschool

Part Two of Facebook…. Funny…. God(dess?)…. Experience

Meanwhile, Over in the Muslim Section….

And besides, over in the Muslim section, the part with the dozens and dozens of women for every suicide…or is it, actually, as much as seventy-six virgins to one guy? Anyway, I remember it was a lot, whatever it was. It was lots, plenty, and believe me, I was watching. And it didn’t take long for that whole thing to become normal.

Magical elves

I mean the women had plenty of time to themselves. [chuckles] Yea, I guess they would…they’d have plenty of time to themselves. And they seemed as natural in their nakedness among the forests of heavens as magical elves or something. There was nothing weird about it.

But I know you’re gonna owe me for this big time, because there’s two big questions on your minds. I know. Who wouldn’t be thinking these things?  [continued after audio]

Facebook Funny Revelations and the Mind’s True Liberation

And the title, for the link:

“Funny Fantasy Becomes Hilarious Meeting with God
Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence, God, Living Things;
So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans;
and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet Capable

of Even Imagining Such Love and Goodness”
Comedic, Philosophical Monologue by SillyMickel Adzema

For the audio monologue of this part click above for the link to the audio site…. or below on the audio player to listen to it here….
Image of Funny Fantasy Turns Hilarious Meeting with God Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence God Living Things So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet C

You Ain’t Lived Till You’ve Melted.

Now, I’m gonna think of how you can pay me back for gettin’ me melted, drunk down like a saucer of milk, and dead. I’m just realizing how much power I have here.

For starters, since you’ve never melted or the rest, and…boy, can I milk those events: Like, you’ve never had that experience, so I could be like “ooooh, the hell, the horror, the pain…you’ve never knooown.”

Sorry. I’m already boring myself. I can’t pretend that way just to get extra guilt or chips outa you because ooh…that’s too much work, because…ohhh, I hate to say it…. You ain’t lived till you’ve melted. You think a deep tissue massage is relaxing? Well you ain’t lived till you’ve actually had a meltdown in front of one of your friends. Hahaha.

And I’ll be damned if I can make like being devoured by my cat…well…was like “Jaawws! Oooh nooo, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh… ” No. I’m sorry. He.

I really love my cat, is all I can say.

So, good for me, and good for you because I’ll just tell you, and you could eat your hearts out for jealousy…how’s that?

Let’s just say that being licked up by a cat…well I’m reluctant to say, but well let’s just say that we all have certain pleasurable experiences…that involve, well, let’s say, being licked! And, uh…well bein’ taken in the mouth of another, y’know? Well, I guess I more than hinted there, didn’t I? Well how else can I say it?

But I got it all over you guys ’cause well, you can feel pleasure in certain sex acts involving the mouth and parts of your lovers’ bodies, as you know what I’m talking about… Well, you don’t know the meaning of exquisite pleasure until it is aaall of you…not a part…that is lovingly taken in…

I’m not into beastiality or something…don’t get me wrong…but I really love my cat, is all I can say, I mean….

And dying…

Inside her…or his…warm cozy belly was just some kind of bliss…I’m tellin ya…it’s….

I get the feeling once you’re out of your bodily state…well maybe it’s because the ego goes but, but, though I knew, I knew I was gone for the world, I couldn’t have been more pleased at my fortune…ok I’ll let ya off the hook…. Eehh, I’guess it’s that God influence, y’know?

Oh, I’m just to kind for my own good, and, well, like God told me in Oregon, “Well, that’s what Jesus’d do.” So ok I won’t torture you any longer.

The Questions

I know I haven’t addressed the two questions in your mind…er, actually…three. I know what they are. I know what you’re all thinking so don’t deny it! Come on!

Naked God

You’re thinking, “What does God look like naked?” right? Shew.. I knew it… I know it, I know you guys, I mean, well… just…I’ll tell you…just about anybody, well I’ll, I’ll tell you, but whatever you’re expecting, I’m sure I’m going to be a disappointment for you.

Nope, God is not a downy-covered Ken doll.

So… No, he wasn’t covered in downy feathers and all Ken-doll parts or anything that an evangelical would imagine. Remember, it’s only here that we think of nakedness as shameful. You gotta dig this. This is the guy who designed, sculpted our form… You think He’s ever had the thought that He made something nau-ghty…

Or I can tell you that a little time with Him and you’d realize or you’d think, at least, that one of the reasons…if not The Big One…how would I know?…for creating us is…well it just occurred to me that…I may have just realized why they say we were made in God’s image…because, y’know, by now, no doubt we’ve realized we are the dumbest animal on this planet….

And destructive? murderous, and totally uncaring of the other species and their fates…

As we head for the armageddon that only dumb humans could imagine to set up.

Why We’re Not So Special, Yet Still Made in God’s Image

But not for now…that’s not the thing I want to get at, just to say that our… since we know that our supposed intelligence is a disease, ok? Actually it’s our ego and sense of superiority and specialness…but our supposed superior intellect is often named as what makes us different and what makes us in the image of God. Am I not right about that?

I mean, that’s what you always hear. “We’re different from the animals cause we, y’know, we got brains, or….”Well, this won’t go over very big with the academics and such but…breaking news, folks…our words don’t make us superior…they make us inferior…to all the other species…who know, without having to struggle with symbols that are easily misinterpreted.

Their language is not language, so much as it is mind-sharing. And that can all be conveyed in a precise, precise look…sometimes a smell…or just a howl…across the forest. You think that the information contained in such things could be only rudimentary…hardly! He!

You’ve got it all wrong. Alright, let’s say we’re like the typewriters…laboriously trying to make ourselves understood to each other…and ourselfs…. Well, what we lost with our separation and ego—y’know, which come with our separation—is the kind of abilities that, as analogy, we see in computers.

Now, think of that…think of the size of a computer chip…tiny…size of a penny or something…and then the amount of information it can convey, process, et cetera….wow! Remember, it is small!

Now our egotism just does not let us see that the natural biological perfection of all things—each of which is God having the fun of manifesting Him- Herself in that form, and simultaneously in all others…. I mean, that’s His thing, y’know…. And, and since these creatures are still aware…as aware as when we go to a movie and still realize that it is not real, and that our real existence is elsewhere….

Well, check it out: All of Nature, except for our sorry asses, have the sense of watching a drama, but none of it is all that scary. They even dig the scary parts as a thrill, just the way you might enjoy a horror flick.

And of course, they have, without trying, without trying, the knowledge that needs communicating, whenever…and that knowledge they know, so it’s not all that common that a need to communicate it arises.

Sorry bout that…but I had to dispense with that, because…you’re not going to believe the one and only way that we are like God, and it’s a damn fine thing that there is something. Because after all the rest of your ego being busted, you’re glad to have…you do have a special link with that source of Love.

What is it? You can’t…can’t you guess? Remember back to my earliest experiences with God?

Let’s put it this way, God so loved the world, God felt so much compassion for the ways we humans managed to fuck up, and even to reject all His blessings…even the pain that he gave us as our greatest gift…which is like wisdom gift-wrapped in something to hide its nature until we accept it and opened it, to find the gift of wisdom which brings with it always ever more release from the fear that we have chosen….

Well, God, to hear Him tell it, was even as surprised, as an All-Knowingness can be, that we would be so fearful…that when He wanted to show us how there was never anything to be afraid of, and that fear was an imaginary creation of ours….

Well, let’s put it this way, He not only inspired the billions of human mothers to play the peek-a-boo game with their children…y’know Mom’s not there, the baby has this imaginary, horrifying fear that Mom is gone, disappeared, never to return.

Then suddenly her face appears from nowhere. How does the baby feel and react, react to it? Well, now the baby’s downright gleeful…& beside her- or himself, can’t even contain her or his joy, claps its hands, laughs, and giggles…. And, yes, I’m getting to it….

It’s our laughter….

It’s our laughter.

You might ask yourself why are we the only ones that laugh? And this is where it got really freakin interesting, and really heavy…. And I was glad that we had the laughter….

Notice, now, I was with God…and I had the best time of my life…. But then I was with God! And if you’re with God, what is it that you would never ever have, that is such a pain in the ass to have in life?

Fear. Of course there’s no fear…you’re with God!

Why you don’t see hyenas at comedy clubs.

Anyway, so it’s our laughter. Animals don’t have laughter…because…well, I’m gonna have to do a little favor for you guys like you did for me… I’m gonna have to string you a little bit along…. Course you were pretty crude the way you did it…. melting me, I mean…though it was lots of fun, y’know…I’m sorry…. I only wish I could do it for you guys…. Anyway, I don’t have a petition or nothing, but, um…

I’ll just say this about animals (a) they don’t laugh, and (b) they always have a sense that they’re one with God…. So they always have part of them knowing that they are, like, just playing an act.

So, well, if you felt one with God and thought of life’s dramas as a kind of play, would you have fear? Not a lot, would you? If you knew it was like the movie I was talking about? OK, but now…. Here’s the big reveal…but I’m gonna let it out slowly cause it’s complicated but it’s sooo fucking simple when you see it. See….

The Absolute Earliest Preschool

And a lot of it comes back to that peek-a-boo. God, you see, provided the inspiration for that game. There was a reason why He thought it was so important, and it’s hard to find a mother-child who has not experienced it…though I doubt any mother ever consciously knew why she was doing it except that it was fun and gave so much pleas-ure! Remember that word.The same with God, just as God inspired mothers to play peek-a-boo to train children to not trust their fears as being real….


Even to set up in us the next step, where when we are fearful, we might have the expectation, expectation…and it would be righteous…that soon the clouds will part, the sun will shine…but even more than that… you see? Like that training is: At first you’re fearful but after a while you expect Mother to be there all the time…if you have enough experience of it. That’s a big hint. For, you see, it’s training for God’s training later in life now…let’s put it this way:

Pain is God playing peek-a-boo with us.

I know it’s going to be hard to take, but

Pain is God playing peek-a-boo with us.

And I know you have so many, so many ideas or remembrances of pain. And I’m sure you think you remember pain. But I’ll tell you a thing or two…let’s put it this way,

He uses it to guide us from danger…and toward our true path.

Of course, that’s one thing we know, right? We know that when things aren’t going right…sometimes the car breaks down or we break our ankle…. How many times have we found out that was the perfect thing? That it was God that was helping us out, derailing our plans, because we weren’t supposed to be doing something? You know? We’ve all reached that point, right? Where we know that we are being guided by God, through some of these bad experiences, right? So, you got that part, right? Can I get a “right” from somebody?

Oh, Acey, you’re so stoned, I swear to God…. Je-sus, sasquatch…you do more bellowing I swear to God when you’re masturbating than…ooooh, god…never mind. Anyway….

And you shouldn’t put yourself down now that much now…I’m trying not to be judgmental, you should give yourself more credit for being smart, sasquatch… Now let’s everybody else stop laughing, ok? But I was there, alright?

Ok, so, just as God inspired mothers to train people to not trust their fears as being reality, He even set up the next step where we are… The next step is, when we are fearful we might have the expectation, and it would be true, that soon the clouds would part, and everything would be fine.So, for pain, God is playing peek-a-boo with us…He uses it to guide us from danger toward our true path…

Of course we bitch and complain when we don’t get what we want, when misfortune brings down our cherished fantasies…and sure it’s painful. But I doubt there is any of you who haven’t many, many times given a little…or sometimes it requires more time…we look back at what we had intended and what we were guided to instead, and said, “Thank God I’m not in charge of my life… If Ida gotten my way, well, hell, what a stupid idea that ended up being. God sure must love me to sustain and teach and guide me…in spite of myself.” But of course there’s much more to it, than that.

God, what’s that, Peter?

You say I forgot something, something I…I shoulda known? Too much of the blah blah blah, you say, and…you already know this stuff? Wow, you must have some kinda cell phone to the divine I never…. Oh yea, you’re living in Hawaii now. Yea, I remember. Our last phone conversation you were saying something about the vegetation. Wow. Whatever vegetation you’re liking over there it hasn’t touched…er touched your, let’s say, your bluntness. That’s ok, though. Just give me the facts, you say. What does God look like naked? OK.

Ok, Peter. Ok, I guess I gotta spell it out for you. Well, let’s say that, first, what I saw was God the way I was meant to see Him. Stop it, guys. I’m sure that God has an infinite number of appearances just as He appears in the entire Universe as Everything That Is, both living and non-living, right?

Ok, I’ll get to the point, What does God look like naked?

Well, like everything and like nothing.

Knock it off! I’m trying to give you real stuff here. Like He looks like everything and like nothing…that’s the true answer, because the question is irrelevant.

But what did God look like naked to me? Well, that is a question. But I told you you’d be disappointed.

First of all, like I said, with no consciousness of nakedness being anything but as natural as, and just as overlooked as the way animals look. They’re also naked. But how often do you think what any of them look like in detail or, y’know, you’re not thinking about…they’re not attracting your attention just cause they only have fur on them.

So first of all it was not something that I would think to note, y’know, what He looked like. But I can say my recollection is that God, naked, looked not much different than myself in the mirror, naked, and again just as uninteresting. Told you I’d be a disappointment for you there.

Fetishing and fearing what’s hidden.

But I think you’ll like the answer I have to your other question. Yes, I know, specially you, Peter. I’m sure you got your mind on those multitude of virgins, ha!

Well this was pretty interesting from what I could make out…and I don’t mean in any prurient sense. For like I said, well maybe I didn’t say it yet this way, so I will. It’s just that it reminds me of the lack of interest in nudity when there is no, when there is no shame. It all seems so clear from here.

It’s almost like there was a universal point where, that which attracts inordinate interest, and even fixation, or even fetish, is always that which has been concealed. Well, where I was, there was no darkness. No hidden truth, let alone agendas. So with everything at hand, or, “at thought,” to be more precise, you’re freed from the wondering, worrying, the interest, the fixation, the curiosity…let alone the fear, uncertainty, of terror, horror, all of which arise out of the things that are hidden, that are concealed, that are in darkness.

Remember peek-a-boo? It is the way that mothers teach their babies…by putting something in darkness, putting something out of view. That creates the trauma, right? But it’s how babies are taught to not fear….

Oh… you too, sasquatch? You’re still thinking about those virgins too, huh? Okay, I will jump ahead to that, but I…I’ll jump ahead to that, because, it’s pretty good. And, uh, I think this will still make sense in the same order…pretty much, yea.

All we are saying, is give God a chance.

Well, it’s quite funny actually because, you see, well…. only humans could come up with something as horrible as like a hell. ONLY humans. I mean, come on, God could never come up with something like that, but…and I’ll get into why later, but it’s just…let’s just put it that way, there’s no hell. Just take my word for it, you’ll understand later.

So, there’s no hell, but does that mean everybody goes to heaven? Now, not quite, exactly, you see? Because, well, let’s see…would heaven be getting what you ask for…or you think it would be getting what God—who knows everything—knows…you…want?

See? It’s a little trickier now, isn’t it? Now, think about those suicide bombers. Yeaa. Seventy-six virgins, they got their wishes, right?

“What were we thinking?!”

But you didn’t see what I saw. I mean, I didn’t see…. I mean, it was heaven and everything…there was no darkness…. But so you wanta see some draggin’ bedraggled scraggly-assed mother-blankin’ tired lil, lil…I swear to God. What were they thin-king…asking for seventy-six virgins?!

I mean…my God! What does it take to realize that you can’t handle that many?! It’d kill you! So, you know, it was kind of funny. I mean think of it! I mean, you know…I don’t know if God’s laughing at that because that might be judgmental…but it’s kinda like…it’s like, well, He’s just being kind, he gave them what they wanted. And you know what, He does that for all of us…you see?

He does that for all of us and that’s what I meant about the pain being His blessing to us. Because He might protect us from making bad mistakes through pain or something like that, but then the other thing is that He lets us go through with it… and find out…on our own…what a bad and dumb idea that was.

Continue on this site with
The Great Reveal, Chapter Four:
Why Pain Ain’t Such a Pain and Peek-a-Boo

Facebook Funny Revelations and the Mind’s True Liberation

And the title, for the link:

“Funny Fantasy Becomes Hilarious Meeting with God
Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence, God, Living Things;
So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans;
and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet Capable

of Even Imagining Such Love and Goodness”

Comedic, Philosophical Monologue by SillyMickel Adzema

For the audio monologue of this part click above for the link to the audio site…. or below on the audio player to listen to it here….
Image of Funny Fantasy Turns Hilarious Meeting with God Who Reveals All Reasons behind Existence God Living Things So Much More Wonderful Than Ever Imagined by Humans and Sadly because Humans Are Not Yet C

Continue on this site with
The Great Reveal, Chapter Four:
Why Pain Ain’t Such a Pain and Peek-a-Boo

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