Prasads 1-12

The Prasads Begin – 1st Through 12th Prasad:

The Great Reveal, Chapter Nine: The First Prasad – “Unapproved and Hidden”

Just released, here’s the latest. The Great Reveal–arranged by the Planetmates for the benefit of humans on the eve of the biggest challenge ever to face humans or even the planet at any time of its existence–is being released in snippets.

I received this; they call it “The First Prasad,” so no doubt there will be more to follow. Stay tuned. I’ll continue to update here with whatever I find out, as soon as I find out.

“We thought it would help if…the one and only constant…was the hole in their understanding of the the Nature of All”


There were always those of you, many from even the past, whose names and words you would know; these trailblazers into truth’s jungles, these gardeners of consciousness….

More – Ch 9 First Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Ten: The Second Prasad – Truth Become Invisible

“Real hope” and “challenge” are the words I am hearing most often, as I seek to position myself closer and closer.

The Missives are arriving randomly-timed but with regularity. We could be on the verge of something big. The Prasads so far seem to point to some major overview of us humans extending over an incredibly long time, not to mention the possibilities that arise from this first ever category of a “species” for a source. Anything can happen but the indications are that it is to our benefit; Prasad is the Sanskrit word for a blessing from a saint or a divine being.

I’ll stay on top of this. I’ll make sure whatever I get, whatever it says, I will post. Of this, I make my solemn vow. It’s beginning to feel that I should make that sort of commitment, lest I should be tempted to shy from parts that I, myself, might want to slant or overlook. It’s guaranteed that something this big isn’t going to be all complimentary; but it must also be said that I’ve received assurances that while shining a bright light, the Missives are far more positive than they are critical….

More – Ch 10 Second Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Eleven: The Third Prasad – Humans Only Half Ready for Life at Birth

Over 25,000 years Have Humans of All Cultures at All Times Been Immunized From Even an Inkling of the Unapproved and Hidden

Human’s Planetmates pull off the greatest reveal of all time: Over 25,000 years have humans of all cultures at all times been immunized from even an inkling of the Unapproved and Hidden. This refusal (fear) to know the deepest truths of all has been a big part of why it is humans who can do so much against even their own interests. But with all lives in the balance, they are no longer allowed their ignorance. The Truth ends up being something humans would fear: It shows the lie to all human’s vanity. But it also reveals the most wonderful truth that could ever, ever be even imagined….

More – Ch 11 Third Prasad


 The Great Reveal, Chapter Twelve: The Fourth Prasad – Origins of Ego – Human Superiority a Defense Against Actual Inferiority Relative to Planetmates (Animal Kingdom)

Swan was First Consciousness at The Fourth Prasad.

"[T]his superiority defense against the underlying inferiority feelings is built up increasingly to beat back into the Unapproved and Hidden the nagging reality of your confused, unsteady consciousness."


This peculiar trait of being half born is nowhere, among humans, seen to be of any consequence. When noted, it is spun as evidence supporting your belief in your superiority over all others.

But the belief itself was a spawn of that difference of being not ready at birth, dependent and vulnerable, and therefore owing one’s very life to the sufficient ministrations of fully growns….

More – Ch 12 Fourth Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Thirteen: The Fifth Prasad – Your “Wordism,” A Word Cave Prison

PlanetMates tell us “Your Wordism–is an aberration causing you to never really hear or understand each other.”

This is highly reminiscent of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” imho. Especially, “your minds — suffused and distracted with a non-stop stream of non-sensical repetitions of word symbols – imprison and isolate you in a world of swirling mental “bookmarks” of reality, tagged to, but only dimly reflective of What’s Real, and keeping you blind to the wondrous reality itself in which other beings live in clarity of purpose and life meaning, and with direct intra- and interspecies and inter-entity communication….”

More – Ch 13 Fifth Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Fourteen: The Sixth Prasad – Ego as Opiate

Twisted Unwholesome Roots, Wrong-gettedness

Below is the entire text of what I received. Oh, yes. I’m sure everyone will just love the hell out of what the planetmates are saying now!! (ha ha ha!!!)

Fox was First Consciousness at The Sixth Prasad.

"This mitigation [of your lack, your scar] is accomplished through the creation of an alien consciousness construct which serves to both separate humans from the realization of your lack...also it serves as an alternate but OPPOSITE construction of self—opposite from the truth of your nature...."

So instead of the truth that, for reasons unknown, you were unfortunate enough to be deprived of the full and perfect nurturing of a near perfect divine Nature, as other species are, until they are ready to be in flesh… instead of the obvious truth — obvious to all other species — that this prematurity leaves a scar of hurt and rejection, for starters; but also, helplessness and hopelessness, second; and third, that this occurs right at the beginning of known flesh existence so as to create the very unusually twisted unwholesome roots of humans….

More – Ch 14 Sixth Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Fifteen: The Seventh Prasad – Becoming Human, Bipedalism Caused Birth Pain

Ego, Water Foraging, Standing, Bipedalism, Narrow Pelvis, 20-Month Gestation, Pain

Turtle Is First Consciousness at The Seventh Prasad.

“[T]he caretakers ... parents ... become both the models and the delivery systems for this diminishment and perfect wrongness of Consciousness.”

Instrumental in creating this Ego are the caretakers, the fully growns, often but not always the parents, especially the mother initially. The fully growns become both the models and the delivery systems for this diminishment and perfect wrongness of Consciousness.

Of course, humans were not humans for millions of years; your predecessors were Planetmates and Earth Citizens like us. There came a time when small groups of your forebears, living near swamps and oceans and gathering their food in the shallow waters, spent long periods of time in that water….

More – Ch 15 Seventh Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Sixteen: The Eighth Prasad. Straying from Nature – Prosperity Won Out Over Happiness for Early Humans

So giving birth prematurely and bipedalism had survival advantages….

Survival won out over healthy, happy newborns and relatively pain-free births.

Leopard was First Consciousness at The Eighth Prasad.

"It is at the point when narrow pelvises, nine-month gestations, birth pain and trauma for mothers and newborns, and dependency on caregivers for survival for the first few years of life became the norm that you began to be separate from all other Earth Citizens and began the process of becoming human."

All these factors acted on each other for millions of years: Wide-pelvis mothers giving birth to healthy, twenty-month gestated newborns vied against the economic pressures for females to give birth earlier and become more productive as a forager sooner as well as to be bipedal and be able to carry more with the hands and….

More – Ch 16 Eighth Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Seventeen: The Ninth Prasad – Eden and the Fall…Harmony with Nature, Early Humans, Foragers

Harmony with Nature, Early Humans, Foragers

Toad was First Consciousness at The Ninth Prasad.

"[T]his long tranquil time was destined to end...the gap between natural functioning and twisted, backwards human functioning widened."

For a very long period these early humans lived in harmony with Nature as foragers and nomads and as non-savage Earth Citizens. Your earliest ancestors did not even eat Earth Citizen flesh; while even some Planetmates do that.

But this long tranquil time was destined to end. As gestations became shorter and more time was needed in the dependent state before the newborn could function much for itself, the gap between natural functioning and twisted, backwards human functioning widened….

More – Ch 17 Ninth Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Eighteen: The Tenth Prasad. Descent Into Savagery Begins…Becoming Controlling, Becoming Killers

You first began your fearful, deluded controlling when you added Planetmate flesh to your former vegetarian diet

Pig was First Consciousness at The Tenth Prasad.

"Your descent into aggression and savagery started here, because when you learned how to kill fellow was not too long before you began to be able to kill each other."

Rather than the natural state of being, awareness, and bliss, your state of omnipresent fear caused you to be ever more unable to accept the gifts of life and survival on Nature’s terms, which were uncertain, but on the other hand, adventurous and surprising. It is the state we enjoy and find blissful and playful and always interesting.  Your fear made you unable to bear the uncertain state. So, being impatient, and therefore unwilling to receive sustenance and nurturing on Nature’s timetable, you first began taking control of when you would be nourished by adding planetmate flesh to your former vegetarian diet.

Your descent into aggression and savagery started here, because when you learned how to kill fellow planetmates, which had not been in your nature prior to the prematurity trauma and your constant adult state of tension, it was not too long before you began to be able to kill each other….

More – Ch 18 Tenth Prasad


 The Great Reveal, Chapter Nineteen: The Eleventh Prasad. “Agrarian Revolution” – Interference in Flora Empire decided to extend control over the Flora Empire of Earth Citizens

Goat was First Consciousness at The Eleventh Prasad.

"[Y]ou next expressed your impatience with the divine flow by controlling the vegetarian side of your food resources by instigating horticulture."

Once you started hunting planetmates for food and killing your own out of fear of scarcity of resources, the next step towards ever more control of what Nature/the Divine provide naturally was facilitated. In terms of the well-being of planetmates, the planet, and the survival of humans, this was the direst development.

Borne of increasing lack of faith in Divine Providence, you next expressed your impatience with the divine flow by controlling the vegetarian side of your food resources by instigating horticulture. Through horticulture you extended your control — we would say interference….

More – Ch 19 Eleventh Prasad


The Great Reveal, Chapter Twenty: The Twelfth Prasad. Husbandry and Sedentary WaysEnslavement of Earth Citizens

Planetmates plucked from Nature’s perfect blueprint, set to your ends, driven by your brains crazed from early trauma.

Cow was First Consciousness at The Twelfth Prasad.

"[Y]our control of both Flora and Fauna in this way required the most drastic change in your way of life—one that would be the sole root of the apocalypse that we see looming before us all."

Incidentally, it was not long after this “conquering” of the Flora Empire that you began to extend  your control over some Planetmates in exactly the same way. You captured, enslaved, and set their life cycles to fit yours. The who, what, when, where, and how of their lives were plucked from Nature’s perfect blueprint and set to your ends—the ends driven by your fear, obsession to control…

More – Ch 20 Twelfth Prasad

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