Planetmate Communion


Planetmate Communion: “I Trust Planetmates Implicitly Now … Got Affection — Huge”


Planetmate Communion: A Personal Note Upon Receiving The Second Prasad


I feel changed, feel confident, I trust PlanetMates implicitly now. More than a gift, got kindness, affection-huge

jacobs-ladder-mccaulay-culkin-and-tim-robbins408309_1764639612598_1737376259_863778_1611513471_nDon’t let this be confused with The Second Prasad. That is from The Planetmates, and it is presented in the previous chapter. This is SillyMickel, and this is not a quote from them. But I think it is very important for me to share this, as part of anyone’s attempting to understand this phenomenon. Here’s the latest on The Great Reveal—arranged by the Planetmates for the benefit of Humans on the eve of the biggest challenge ever to face humans or even the planet at any time of its existence—which is being released in snippets.

This time, if no other, I am going to relate something very personal around this thing I’m involved in. You will see that it is appropriate and fitting considering the way the event was set up. And it will probably be the first really good insight for you, as it was for me, into the nature of these Planetmates, and also into the feelings, emotions, and motivations behind the entire “Great Reveal.”

To be specific, I was absolutely delighted to find that my best friend, a feline planetmate, was serving as First Consciousness in The Second Prasad’s delivery. It struck me that it was meant as an honor to me and my place in their endeavor.

230x276.funnyface (2)MuffThe First Prasad came primarily through a venerable elder, an aged primate with much stature among the Planetmates, though I was astounded to see how humble and down to Earth this venerable wise one was. Nevertheless, my good friend, Muff, though a free consciousness and wise, would be outranked by a multitude of longer-lived, more experienced, and generally more prestigious Planetmates.

So this honoring of him, and by extension me, probably was due to our friendship and perhaps Cat-and-Dog-150x150 (2)to express their encouragement of our rare interspecies relationship and the scientific and cultural collaboration that came of it, without which none of this would have happened.

work.6391737.2.flat,550x550,075,f.experience-life-in-3d-seagulls-nzI must admit to having been more than touched by their action. I sobbed as I realized that I had been really included and accepted; putting to rest previous uncomfortable feelings of being an outsider. In fact, that was the first really emotional experience that I shared with these Planetmates; imahhhhgeseverything previously had been more business, actually, more benevolent teacher and respectful student-like. Now I felt that I had passed training and was being included as an equal vlcsnap-2011-05-30-23h09m42s78crppdwith them—an honor so rare only a handful of humans have ever been so respected as to receive.

Tears flowed freely as these realizations occurred among us, as the Planetmates shared in my Experience, and they understood that my tears were like a solid bonding of allegiance, but for me it was more like joining a family. I also had the exquisite pleasure of partaking of the experiences of a number of kinds of Planetmates as they each processed the same emotional bonding Eden1-409x307with me and even the emotional release of joy in many different forms other than my tears, but all equally unique and, for me still, very bizarre and totally irrational ways.

But the really different ways that this was processed by different forms of Planetmates led me to realize, at what I knew was the precise time, and couldn’t have been a moment sooner, nor a moment later, that absorbing that experience, as unusual as it was and somewhat off-putting at times, had led me to the otherwise unexperienced access into the sublime feeling that was the same in all—that essence was a sweeter experience than I had ever had when previously experiencing acceptance, belongingness, and a sense of being embraced in a way as to be included like family—oh,breathoflife it was mostly love, as one can imagine, and of course belonging and security, but the essence of it all was prominently one of experiencing a love and unity that surpassed any love I had ever known. It made me see the deepest loves that are possible, and alongside them the many things that we call love couldn’t be seen, being so outshone by this clear perfect thing–that I won’t call love, since it’s so much more and would be reduced to mere love. It should have another name.

I’ll see what I can do about that. But in the meantime, you get the point that it was something beyond anything I’d experience and much more imagjuyhgioloiues_thumbwonderful than just about the most wonderful things one could experience as a human.

And I feel changed. And I feel more confident. I trust these Planetmates implicitly now, for that was more than a gift, it was an unexpected kindness above all—it emanated from feelings of affection and appreciation that they had toward me, that led to the honoring, and then to the sharing in that most blessed (how to describe it…oh:) free, expansive, inclusive, nofence, among all, and thegods-hands God-coddling feeling of being held in God’s very loving hands.

I thought it important to relate this experience, as I being human should relate how at least one human experiences the Consciousnesses of the Planetmates, since I know of no other such report; and this one glimpse into the beings we are dealing with is I’m sure better than nothing. As I’m sure you who were reading were, like me, wondering what they were like on the inside and if they felt any experiences like ours, and so on. Natural questions.

So I hope my experience throws some light in that formerly murky and somewhat anxiety seeping aspect of this experience.Accession480px I feel pure clarity on this now, absolutely no fear, anxiety; rather just the opposite.

I know that is not conclusive that this experience is guaranteed to be the benevolent operation that was most prominently felt among all those tuned in to it. I can just say that it is now guaranteed in my mind, because of what I found out about them on the inside,

I can’t imagine not loving them without question anymore, and beyond that sensing a purity of heart, a goldenness of soul, 9232915_7a18_625x1000a meek yet unbreakable nature, with an unquestioned absolute and total acceptance of the most profound toward myself and our species, which was so real I felt it as the foundation that I would walk on from then on.

hhhTake these reports however you wish to. I can only say that I attest I did my best and retrospectively I think a good job in my attempt to capture and communicate, also in as unslanted, accurately, and truthful way, the experiences that came and blessed me, the way they happened, and their context. For whoever would wish to ponder; and who knows, if these sorts of things between species should begin to be at least less rare, then I hope to have provided a little something of help in the preparation of others for these encounters.

So, judge this however you wish. I’m satisfied that I did my duty, indeed, a very profound dharma. – S.M.


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