19th Prasad – Opposite

The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Nineteenth Prasad. Over-Accumulation, Ego, and Attaining Ultimate Unnaturalness … Lucifer Is Us

 With the Apocalypse Looming as a Result of Your “Evolution,” It Must Be Blatantly Obvious — Oh, “Crown of Creation” — of the Lie of Your Illusion, Say Planetmates in the 19th Prasad: Lucifer Is Us

The Perfectly Unnatural Ego: “Twin Aberrations of Controlling and Conforming Marked the Ultimate Break with the Divine and the Ultimate Opposite Construct of Self”

Planetmates Release The Nineteenth Prasad

This one is about the ultimate evolution of Ego to be a thing opposite to and arrayed against the Divine.

Polar Bear is First Consciousness at The Nineteenth Prasad.

This marked...the ultimate in a break with the Divine and the construction of an opposite construct of being and of consciousness....as you are now finally seeing in the most stark and blatant forms, against the survival of your own selves, both individually and as a species.


The Nineteenth Prasad – The Ultimate Opposite

The twin aberrations of conforming one’s behavior to suit another or others instead of one’s own inner divine visions, directions, and flow and obsessive controlling of others to further one’s unnatural ends of staving off the hardships, struggles, unnaturalself.croppedand obstacles that are part of divine guidance are born of this ability to over-accumulate, which sedentary lifeways make possible. This marked, then, the ultimate in a break with the Divine and the construction of an opposite construct of being and of consciousness. It was the ultimate evolution of Ego to be a thing opposite to and arrayed against the Divine, against the natural, against Nature, against the ways of all other Planetmates and other non-Earth beings and entities, and ultimately, as you are now finally seeing in the most stark and blatant forms, against the survival of your own selves, both individually and as a species.

Paraphrase/ Elaboration of The Nineteenth Prasad — by SillyMickel Adzema

1604846_10152207005158453_1884160870_n (1)Your separation from Nature and defiance of the Divine left you, thus, with two abnormalities relative to that Nature. The first unnatural development in you, having to do with your separation from the Divine, is conformity. You would change your behavior along lines to fit with what you thought others would wish.

The second perverse development is domination. On the flip side of conformity, you sought to have other people behave in ways which matched your wishes and pleased and satisfied you, not them.


Conformity is a split with the Divine, for in doing it, you must separate yourself from and even deny … you must ignore … your own inner, Divine visions, directions, and flow.

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Whereas, through domination you defied the Divine assistance that comes to all planetmates through fate or the exigencies of life and fortune. We feel Divinity in and around us. But being in form, we cannot be fully knowledgeable all the time. Our existences here are for the purpose of bringing us to be aware of more of the grandeur and designs of the Divine. And the connection we have to the Divine, the stopgap one, which comes into play in those areas where we are still learning and growing, is through fate. It is through life’s events, brought seemingly randomly and unexpectedly into our lives, that we are made greater, instructed, and ultimately are led, guided, back to Divinity from which we all come. Struggles and obstacles — the exigencies of life — are, to us, the promptings of the Divine as it leads in the mutual dance of Life.

In dominating others and Nature, however, you seek to keep those uncertainties of life, and the wisdom which comes from them, at a minimum. You turn your back on a dance with God; and you snub the Divine’s offer to teach you beyond what you already know. No planetmates want hardship. Indeed, we go out of our way to avoid it as well. But in your making control of events the major thing of your life — eliminating the adventure, fullness of experience, satisfaction, passion, intimacy, love, and enjoyment of life … or at least forgoing them when they conflict, as they very often will, with control of events — you show your ingratitude and you defy the Divine. In these instances, you choose to be driven by fear rather than expand into love. You choose hardship over enjoyment.

This you do in all your controlling activities, so also in your obsessive seeking to control other humans. By coercing others into submission to your will and your desires, you are seeking to reduce your dissatisfaction at their expense. Whether those others are those lower in the hierarchy, your women, people of other groups, people who you have made into slaves, or people who are physically different from you, you sacrifice their independence and soul upon the altar of your self-indulgence and fear. 

So, in dominating, you sought to increase that split with the Divine by avoiding even the divine guidance that would bring you back into line — Divine guidance that occurs through the hardships, obstacles, and struggles of life.

The immediate cause of these aberrations-abnormalities of conformity and domination, what makes them possible, what allows their existence, is the over-accumulation of things.

And, as we have been saying, this over-accumulation was itself only made possible … it requires … sedentary living.

So sedentary living involved the triumph of control over adventure, and it was your ultimate break with the Divine. Another way of saying this is that your controlling/conforming behaviors represented a final break with Divine Consciousness.


Indeed, it can be said that these two behaviors or tendencies of consciousness — that is to say, out of fear, to see others as people to be placated or manipulated — define human Ego. So you can see how human Ego, far from being the tool or asset toward greater intelligence you think it is, is actually the substitute for the natural consciousness, the greater awareness, and the Divine nature, which you have turned your backs upon.

Essentially, these behaviors of sycophancy and domination, conformity and control, delineated the outlines of the consciousness you created instead of your Divine nature of Being, Awareness, and Bliss. So Ego is an opposite construct of consciousness to the Natural and stands against both the Divine and Nature.

In your “evolution” — we would say devolution — along this path of increasing control, then, and increasing Ego, you have at this point reached a point of having created the ultimate opposite to Nature and God. This complete opposite construct of being, called Ego, is the antipode to the natural and the ways of all Planetmates as well as other non-Earth beings and entities.

Whereas we search for and embrace inner directives and we do not shy from the meanings and promptings of outer events, human Ego fights these. Ego is afraid of inner directives, Divine ones. It fights off and sees as alien the natural promptings and inner impulses coming from within you. You say planetmates have “instinct.” We say, where is yours? You are like a ship having cut away its anchor, wondering why it drifts—why your mind is restless and finds no home or solace. Even more, you are like that same ship, having scuttled its sails, wondering how it is that it cannot get anywhere by manipulating its rudder—your so-called “reason”—alone.


Ego is not just separate from God and fighting the Divine, Ego is pitted against Nature. Ego does not just fight off the direction that comes with interconnectedness with All, it wages war with it. Ego, to all extents and purposes, is arrayed against all else in Creation.

You do not know this. You have been thinking the opposite. You have been thinking you are, through Ego, uniquely able to have dominion over all Nature. Your Ego has you thinking you are the crown of creation as well as the pinnacle of evolution. And, you not only consider yourselves above Nature, you deem yourselves to be the engine of re-creating Nature. Again, putting your Ego in the seat reserved for the Divine, you — not seeing yourselves as imperfect — flatter yourselves that you can improve upon Nature, seeing It as imperfect and needing your attention. In your better moments of this mania of grandiosity, you assign yourselves as the shepherd of Creation. But who would shepherd you? You see yourselves as the caretakers of Nature, though you are crippled from you own lack of caregiving in your early lives … more than any of us in Nature.

How can this ultimate opposite of the truth not be seen you? If it has never been possible before, surely it must be blatantly obvious — because of the ecocidal and humanicidal brink we are on, with the veritable apocalypse looming as a result of your “evolution” … oh, “pinnacle” … oh, “crown of creation” — of the flaw in your thinking, the lie of your illusion.


Remember that, alongside your tendency to store and control more than you need are the ideas of ownership and possession — which are also unique fevers of human consciousness. The sense of possession, of power over something means, to you, that you can use and abuse it to any extent. It also is central to the armageddon you are bringing about. For you have grown in such a way as to think the entire world, except yourself, has no Consciousness, thus, no feelings, thus, no rights. Thus it can be owned. You practice this individually with small items, on a personal scale. However, the cumulative result of all these single actions, whether by individual actors or by group or corporate actors, based upon the idea of ownership, is that you have no restraint whatsoever from abusing the planet as if it is owned as well. So your mistaken idea of possession has allowed you without conscience to speed headlong into the destruction of all and everyone.

chicken zombie

You seek to destroy yourselves because you wish to punish yourselves. You wish to punish yourselves because it is the way you came into the world. And in re-creating that punishment, now, you somehow think you will get the love you needed then, but did not get.


That is why some of you — so many of you, whether religious or not — have been interpreting this abominable thing of the end of all life on Earth as some kind of opening of the heavens or rising up to the heavens, returning to God. Oh, you are going to return to God all right. But you are deluded in thinking that the All That Is is at all pleased at your ultimate sacrifice of yourselves in an insane effort to get the things and satisfactions you were denied in your early life. For your self-centeredness and alienation from Nature has you thinking you are the only actors here, the only things alive. How felicitous or pleased would a Divine be, seeing, not only that you have thrown away the gift of life given you by that Divine and committed a suicide, but also that you have, without even a twinge of conscience, brought down all other life that Divinity has wrought on this planet and committed a mass murder on a scale never known?

And do you think you will be all that self-congratulatory and proud when, in returning to the Divine after death and realizing once again the nature of Reality as being life and Consciousness, you realize that you failed to see that in life? Indeed, how delighted in yourself do you suppose you will be in your eventual awakening state knowing that, in this blindness to the aliveness in everything about you, you had set yourself against it? Do you suppose you will be proud knowing that your major achievement of your most recent spiritual adventure in form was to bring down, in its entirety, the magnificent and exquisite edifice of Earthly life — the product of Divine workings over many billions of years?


At any rate, we are here now communicating to you for the time is ripe for you to finally see your wrong-gettedness, manifested now in the most stark and blatant ways, in the foul world you have created around you. Your ways and your delusions of grandeur have caused you to immerse yourselves in poison and to create of this Earth, which is set to sustain us, a dire and deadly habitat. Regardless of the harm you have perpetrated on Earth and all its planetmates in your doings, you can now see that it is you, ultimately, that you oppose. In opposing, in the most extreme manner, Nature, you have set your lance against your own survival. For however much you deny it, you are part of Nature, you are inextricably linked with Nature. What you do to all, you do to yourselves.


So Ego, in the final analysis, is pitted against your personal survival; it is arrayed against each and every one of you. Human survival is at stake; Ego’s ultimate victim is the entirety of humanity itself.

Continue with The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Twentieth Prasad: Obsessive Control – Controlling Your Young

Return to The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, the Eighteenth Prasad: Inauthenticity Rising

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