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“You would have the Divine, like your children, kowtow to your wishes…. You are someone who thinks they can, and should, “domesticate” the gods.”

The Planetmates on evangelical religion as voodoo and humans seeking to “domesticate” God … on “animals,” Nature as “wild”: “To re-unite with the Divine, in this way, means you get the Divine to merge with you! With your Ego.”


The Planetmates on evangelical religion as voodoo and humans seeking to
“domesticate” God … on “animals,” Nature as “wild”: “To re-unite with the Divine, in this way, means you get the Divine to merge with you! With your Ego.”


“All of that notwithstanding, you like to think of yourselves, in your morality, as above us planetmates. You refer to us as “animals,” as “beasts.” We are “wild”-life. You think of us as alternately controlled by instincts and yet wild. That should tell you something. But then, ignoring the magnificent perfection of Nature, you think of Nature as “wild,” too.

“Is Nature wild? If you think of it, it is only in relation to you and your wants that it is seen that way. Your poets, artists, and mystics see in Nature something else entirely. They see a beauty that inspires them to think of Divinity. They are on to something.

“But they, too, are unlikely to see that perfection, as well, in the Earth’s “animal”-life … or their own children — who they think of as “wild” and needing to be “tamed.” So we see that you think of wild as being out of your control. It might be “controlled” — within its own process and in relation to the rest of Nature — but it does what “it” wants, not what “you” want. Nor does it abide by your laws. It is “wild.”

“So “beasts,” “animals,” “wild”-life refer to things that have not yet come under your thumb. It is no coincidence that such terms are also used by you to refer to all of your own kind that are inconvenient to your wishes. Any who have different thoughts — your revolutionaries, hippies, and gypsies — are “wild” to you. Any who are in the minority of your societies or are poor or belong to other cultures are similarly “beasts” and “animals.” Of course, those existing outside of your laws, your criminals, are “animals,” you think. This is why you bristle at the idea that your planetmates are your angels in Nature, as we have said. For, to you, to see in us higher or benevolent consciousness is akin to bowing down to a beast.

“So, anything that is not in your power is “beast,” “animal,” “wild.” And ultimately what is not in your power is anything that is considered Nature. As you have with planetmates and your cultivated plants, you would “domesticate” — meaning force into conformity with your sedentary lives, with its fixed domiciles, controlled families, and restrictions — all of Nature, if you could.

“But is not the Divine also out of your control? Not subject to your power? You would not spend all the time you do in ritual and prayer if it was doing what you wanted, would you? As we have said, through prayer and ritual, you try to control the Divine. So do you see that you are someone who thinks they can, and should, seek to “domesticate” the gods? You would have the Divine, like your children, kowtow to your wishes and be another cog within the “machinery” of your life. To re-unite with the Divine, in this way, means you get the Divine to merge with you! With your Ego.


“Consider, at least, that this says of your way of thinking about yourself and your life that you know everything — that you are God Itself — and do not need to learn anything. Your awareness is supreme … it must be … for otherwise you would wish to merge with a higher reality or wisdom and learn from It, or at least, if separate, want to discern Its will and thus adhere to it. But in the thinking that you developed with sedentary ways, and driven by fears of deprivation, you moved over to the position that God should do what you want, should be one of your achievements or accomplishments. When you think about it, all of your modern science and technology is the penultimate of such an attitude toward Nature … toward God.

“Another example of this god control is your evangelical religion of recent times. It is thought in these circles that if one can be the best possible sycophant and not have any contrary “bad” thought , …  but only think positive thoughts … and have supreme confidence in the outcome … that one can get the grace of the Divine and that miracles can be forced to occur. This is all based on certain scriptures from the Bible where it is said that if one has supreme faith one can move mountains, and such. So, to begin with, it is taking a metaphor of the magical and blessed things that can occur because one has faith that one is always in God’s care and turns it into a prescription or recipe for control. Seriously, how can you know that God wants that particular miracle or healing to take place or that it is Its will or is part of Its Divine plan. These folks take what are more accurately termed blessings emanating from the grace of God — meaning that there is a Divine entity who is an actor with volition of Its own, separate from one’s own will — and thinks of them as achievements — occurring as non-volitionally as water flowing out when one tips a cup … or the gold medal one gets upon winning the race.

“This view completely removes the soul or aliveness of God and reduces Him to something like a principle of physics. This kind of “god” folks can control and order around by certain strenuous efforts of “will” (which is at base merely an outgrowth and reaction to one’s fear) to keep thoughts out of the mind. It is attractive to those “good” people of society, described above, for it brings to bear their good practice elsewhere in their “positive” thinking, which keeps learning and personal growth from happening and strives to be witless. Similarly, this concoction of “blessings” requires a skill in keeping out the contrary thoughts and doubts which are part of growing in wisdom in life. So these “miracles” are in no way the result of any kind of morality, kindness, compassion, or love. These folks think they can get what they want and perform miracles by the concentration of thought — the limiting of thoughts, again, not allowing any “bad” thought or “doubt” in — so, again, God has no say in it. It is another magical prescription, another hocus pocus not much different from black or white magic, voodoo, or science….”

[Pt 1 of 29th Prasad — Tool Use. More coming….
To see the entire book, to which this will be added eventually (book is two-thirds updated), go to …

Planetmates: The Great Reveal is also scheduled for print and e-book publication in April, 2014]

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