Keynote 1 – Return to Nobility

The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part One: Return to Nobility


George W. Bush-League Players and Message to Half-Borns Begins: Horse Sense, Part One


Message to the Half-Borns Begins

This particular piece includes Mister Ed’s Complete, uncondensed, unedited, uncensored harangue. If you are like most humans, you’re probably not going to like it. But it could save your life, just for starters.

Fiddling While Rome Burns

On second thought, if you’re reading this, you’re probably not like “most humans.” You may already have been thinking, as many of us humans have, about what is wrong with our species, as we watch ourselves accelerating toward an armageddon, which could happen by any one or by several or more together of a number of death traps that we have set for ourselves…and within anywhere from a few decades (or less) to fifty years, not much more, with nary a sense of alarm.


That is not a lot of time to change the deep habits of eight billion people. So figuratively we are in the midst of a trillion-alarm fire that’s blazing further out of control and soon will be unstoppable. And you may be one of us who are wondering why, in such an extreme emergency, most folks are, well, in denial, or, “compartmentalizing,” or, “got their heads in the sand” or up some dark part of their anatomy, or “fiddling while Rome burns,” or any of the other things you’ve heard and observed from these others who refuse to hear, even, that their lives and that of their families are on the line, and that their turning their back on this threat could be something they will hate themselves for, well, not long here, but if there’s eternity, well, that long.

So, folks already thinking this way will hardly be offended by the message from our nonhuman brothers and sisters, and will want to know what the message is. Still, you’re going to get a lot more than you expect. It’s guaranteed that you’ll be shown a way of seeing humans and our actions that has never occurred to humans.

You will also, no doubt, be surprised, perhaps enlightened!… as to the reasons these observers, who have studied us from our first beginnings, give as to our apparent nonchalance as death hangs over the entire planet, including ourselves and our families. [Footnote 1]

They also seem to have more compassion for us than do some of our own humans for the masses of humankind. They point out that many good attempts by humans have been undercut, squelched, and more, by a certain group of humans. We know who some of them are, in fact. [Footnote 2]

But it is hard to imagine all the reasons that such a great number of these people would have to want to disable us from saving the planet and them along with it.

Keynote Speech from Ed Begins The Great Reveal

Mister Ed speaks for all planetmates. While it is clear he’s speaking from his own heart, Ed seems to be channeling the cumulative observations and feelings of the unimaginable number of living and dead of all species ever to live on this planet, especially those that observed us. In this message, they bring not just a wake-up call, a warning, and understanding of ourselves that goes beyond what we know… they bring also the way back, to sanity, to safety, in that they tell us not only how we’ve gone wrong, but also how we once had gone right and could once again.


You ain’t born typical.

The planetmates show us where we foolishly rebelled against a beneficent Universe, or God; and chose instead to go it alone, to reject the gift of the “given way” of happiness. We did such a stupid thing being fooled by our hubris, which actually arose out of a kind of inferiority complex we carried from birth, being only half-borns compared to all other species.

Peevish humans

Our rebellion came down to hating the one stipulation imposed by that Universe—a hint: it is akin to rebelling about having to wait until Christmas morning to open one’s gifts. That is just an analogy, but it was that trivial.

Return to nobility

And so this message has good news. It implies that giving up ego, hubris, the rebellion against God’s blessings, against God’s Love, and adopting a much less effortful non-macho simple humility and surrender to the Higher Power (which sometimes wants to please us all the more by making us wait for our blessings—you beginning to see the Christmas analogy?) can give us back the nobility and happiness we once enjoyed.


He’s Got Something to Say

This piece starts out as I was in the middle of writing about a strange phenomenon that we became accustomed to over the eight years of Bush and forgot it to be strange: Those in power screwing up royally and essentially blaming their dumbness.

But then there’s more to it. We also witness here a hapless trader losing his shirt on Wall Street. And I’m writing out my case, when, in observing the charts and their steep slope downward, it becomes clear to me that it could easily be the outline of a horse’s head.


So then Mister Ed shows up!

If this were TV, no doubt I’d have him come gradually to life out of the outline on the DOW chart. But it ain’t. And I can’t really tell you where he came from, because the only thing I remembered after noticing the horse profile, was my way-bloated bladder and how I needed to “pee like a race horse.”

Sorry, if that ain’t ne, ne, ne, ne enough for you; or there ain’t enough stench of incense, glowing lights, or flashes, or whatever…. Y’know…if it offends the way you know the supernatural to work..

Hell, I don’t know how the supernatural works. I just know that weird things happen, all the time. And I’d prefer to give you the facts and let you judge for yourself than to make it sound like something you’ve heard before so that you might believe me.

Handling the truth is your job

Nope. One thing I’ve learned, especially from these nonhuman Earth Citizens, is that it’s not my job to make you like your Truth. That’s your responsibility. Well, don’t mean to offend anyone, just want you to know that whether you believe me or not is quite up to you.

Anyway, I just hate it when we fight, don’t you?

Comeuppance coming

So to get back to my story. So here’s Mister Ed. Lookin’ like…. Mister Ed!!

And yea, me too. I didn’t know he was still alive, either. Ed said he needed this job as spokesperson, as the economy hit him hard too.

Well, he’s making up for being out of the limelight, it seems. For while humans apparently can’t see what ‘s coming, Mister Ed shows off quite an animal’s instinctive knowledge. He sees clearly: far into the past and into the immediate future. And he’s fed up and won’t be shut up, taking the now “filthy rich” Wilber to task.

Apparently animals know a lot more about humans than we do about ourselves. While our comeuppance is not pretty (that horse has quite the mouth on him—you’d never have gotten that from the show! and a rather gruesome imagination), it is not all humans he condemns. Given a chance, I betcha he’d bring back unions. [continued after audio]

Horse Sense: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying,
The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks!

Mister Ed is back. And would you believe even he’s pissed at Bush! … and more than a bit miffed at Wilber. But he’s bringing a message to all of us from our tolerant but at long last fed-up co-creators and c0-owners and fellow planetmates on Spaceship Earth.

Category: Environment, Green, Economics, Spirituality, Spiritual Fantasy, Prophecy, Mythology, Politics, Religion, and Philosophy

The dramatic, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, audio reading of this part contains additional material, elaborations of the text on this page.

“Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars…”

For the author’s impassioned rendition of this part, click above for the audiocast where it is posted on the Hark site. Or listen in hear by clicking the player below.
Image of Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks! Mr. Ed is back, and Would You Believe Even He’s Pissed at Bush!… But He’s Bringing

George W. Bush-League Players

To set the stage, I feel it is illuminating to relate an event I vividly remember seeing on the financial news in America, on CNBC, one day, in October of 2008. This occurred as the DOW was experiencing 500 point losses in a day, unprecedented except for during the stock market crash leading to the Great Depression.

One of the expert trader/commentators—a person I’d often seen on the show—was being interviewed on the floor of the actual exchange, seeming to be surrounded by evidence of the carnage. There were actual strewn papers and such, just like in the old days, as I remember it, as stocks were tumbling (again!) with such rapidity that even the old call out system was being implemented, for some reason—for certain financial instruments anyway. And there had been the confusion and the outcries, and yes, even the panic that one would expect to see in an old movie about the Stock Market Crash.

An Incredulous Puffer-Fish Guy

In the midst of this all, this trader/expert was asked by the CNBC interviewer about his take on the scary and unprecedented retreat from stocks and those days of multihundred point losses, one after the other. This elderly obviously seasoned personality seemed to balloon out several sizes of his suit in his sheer incomprehension and his near perfect confusion. Still, raising his voicing, a little more squeaky and almost embarrassed, puffer-fish guy held forth, as if written on tablets, first, how “all the traders have lost money” and then, “Nobody’s doing OK….” But his afterthought hit me like a spear: He pleaded, “I mean who last year at this time foresaw anything like this coming….. I mean,” he said “anything at all, at all, like this coming up?”

At home, there was no way to restrain the howl of laughter that last comment triggered in me. While at the exact same time, I experienced this sharp pain in my belly, like I’d been stuck, well and good, by a spear. I couldn’t believe this “expert’s” comment.

Economics to Piss on You

I pondered, is it funny, or horrible, that I had been making money hand over fist as I kept shorting the market, buying only puts, having fully expected this crash ever since Bush had put in his tax-cuts-for-the-rich policy in the first year of office? I expected this crash to come near the end of the W’s second term, like had happened to Reagan who had employed the same asinine throw-money-at-the-rich policy. Both presided over huge transfers upward to the already “filthy rich.” They did this fully aware that these folks would not spend it to create jobs, but instead would buy yachts and—one big rage of the Reagan era—expensive art, which they bid through the roof, making headlines in those days, as one art object after another would break a new record. At the time, we all thought: “Great idea, Ron baby. Now you just tell me how money locked up in art will somehow create jobs and tinkle down on the poor?”


Would you remember your lobotomy? (If a tree falls in a forest…)

Yet here, only twenty years later, I see this seasoned elderly guy…obviously he’d seen more than I could ever have of the workings of Wall Street…yet he had not had a clue that this downturn could happen, nor apparently, had anyone, any trader, or any CNBC talking head, seen a thing. (Where were they 20 years ago? I wondered.) Still, lowly me—is it because I’m a Democrat?—lowly me, well did I remember the way Reagan’s “Robin-Hood-in-reverse” economics created a great recession, which brought Bill Clinton to power incidentally, but also how everyone was alarmed at the size of the National Debt, which, during Reagan and Bush The Elder, had more than tripled.

If they took away your memory, how would you know?

It wasn’t just me that saw this crash coming. For I found mentors in the market, who I picked because they also knew we were headed for collapse, and who even got laughed at and ridiculed publicly on TV for espousing these views. Still, I found these few not afraid to look squarely at the fundamentals, who were also not Republican cheerleaders propping up a Bush economy of giveaways to those not needing it.

The market crashed, and we saw the many sheeple “supply-side” traders and “experts,” who had been in bed with that Administration and represented the special interests, suddenly realize that Bush could not keep the party going endlessly…anymore than Reagan could.

Previously, I had watched as these same Republican-speaking mouthpieces for the rich and for the economics of greed had become over time the only voices being heard. Now, suddenly shocked that there were limitations on their thievery of the masses, these Bush-league players could be seen running for the exits like a bunch of cockroaches when the light is turned on. [continued after audio below]

Mister Ed, Speaking for All Planetmates, Begins Humans’ Great Reveal

This audiocast contains Mister Ed’s wearied calling out of the human race. It is a different reading from the one at the top of the page, although the material duplicates the Mister Ed speaking part of the above.

This is Mister Ed speaking by himself, on his own, giving the “keynote speech” of The Great Reveal, on behalf of all planetmates.

Listen by clicking the link to the audio site above or here by clicking the player below.
Image of “Mr. Ed, Speaking For All PlanetMates, Begins Human’s Great Reveal” by SillyMickel Adzema

Bringing Some Horse Sense to Bear

I also watched as these Republican-speaking mouthpieces for the rich and for the economics of greed were more and more the only voices being heard.

Of Course, Of Course

Just at this point, the Mister Ed chart markings of the DOW began that nodding, as if to say,

I’m weary of being artificially propped up, Wil-ber! I just want to lie down, to let my head hang low, to rest, to not have to confirm self-serving theories of rich people, using their wealth to make the biased and twisted thinking of their underlings to be sounded endlessly above the din of the moaning masses who year after year see their costs going up, wages stagnating, and their efforts, doubled, tripled, and beyond without being able to get their heads above it. You see, Wilber, I’m tired of doing your bidding for reasons bigger, I think much bigger, than just it being wrong and that this thievery perpetrated on the helpless is more feudal than economic, despite the big smokescreen of the god of capitalism or the supposed “free market.”

No, Wil-ber. And no matter how funny it might seem to you and your friends…this pulling off of a prank, once again, of stealing from the poor, as you would see it, just a hilarious juvenile prank, like locking up a freshman in his own locker. Yes, I can hear you laughing. But as much as I think that cruel it is still not the really big reason I’m rebelling.

You see, Wilber, what’s been done again is so much exactly as it’s always been; no matter the talk of democracy or progress. It might as well be a time of kings and nobles, or any time or place in the past. There have always been “strong men” or a “strong man” at the center of human suffering. This story is the same old story of the rich making up rules to suit themselves that has been going on ever since humans stopped wandering and began living in stable groupings allowing some men to gather more things about them than others. 205789_120590791351711_7317800_nFor when your kind were nomads and gatherers—more gypsy-like and free-spirited and trusting in the invisible forces to be kind and to provide whatever one really needed…I’m saying that as wanderers and nomads no one of your kind wanted to “own” very much for it then had to be carried ever after, hardly worth the burden. Much more like the other beings on this globe, like my own kind, you were then.

But then there was that fear that came over your species, unlike anything ever before seen among the rest of us creatures of God. A fear of uncertainty, quite strange. For we think it joyful to not know what the future will bring, and believing in higher forces that really ARE good and loving, we expect to be loved and blessed and gifted with whatever fate the future brings, knowing there is nothing that is not a product of that consciousness of All, which is both good, for All, and perfect, beyond what mere creatures can know in the moment. So we are happy with our lot, never understanding why your kind chose to forgo the glorious, blessed lives you had at one time:

indigenous2There was in the beginning such a closeness with what you call divinity that we saw you happy and playful as little babies when Mama plays peek-a-boo behind a towel or handkerchief. Even you know how the little child is alternately a little distressed—where did Mama go? And then when Mama reappears from behind the veil, smiling, loving, happy, and saying “peek-a-boo, I love you,” why the squeals of happiness are the greater for having been fooled into thinking something distressing was happening but wasn’t.

That is the way your kind…we have observed for as long as we were aware of your kind…that is the way we have seen your mamas teach their children that mama will always be there, even when she seems not to be. And this learning is precious to the child, for it gives the baby a foundation of certainty that love is around even when not seen.

And isn’t it obvious that it was a teaching meant to be about more than the protection given by mothers. Wilber, Wil-ber, that learning was so much like the way we learn, falling down but finding there is always love around and that we will be up again and back in the mix, if we just let the many blessednesses around us come to give us what’s necessary, always.

And we know there can be only one source for that constant love and attention, a spirit of love and perfection, always on our side, teaching and guiding and leading us, often in spite of ourselves! For like Mama, it knows the truth, and we do not. So we trust it. This loving Perfection Spirit we don’t see with our eyes but feel in our muscles and heart.

But not your kind. Why, we’ve observed with increasing astonishment as little by little and then more and more, in dribs and drabs, your kind forgot the joy of the freedom that can only be felt in the simplicity of owning little, and therefore the complete trust that, ever were one to throw oneself over a cliff, we would be caught and risen up by invisible hands, if it were not part of the perfection and goodness of the Thing As a Whole that we should suffer and die at that moment.

So sad. I hear your kind saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well you have no idea what a knock down, roll on your belly howler that is for us to hear. I mean, this species, humans, ha! That is seriously as funny as what you’ve recently been telling me about these political sorts—you called them Republicans—only a few months after the election of a Democrat and even less after a huge giveaway of treasure to your kind—you and your rich friends—well, here these “republicans” are decrying such help to an incredible number of people who actually really need it, many more than was helped at the end of the Bush’s reign.

And these sorts are blaming Democrats, finally in power after being left to stew in silence on the peripheries of government for eight long years, and only to be brought in on any issues of importance when these lackeys of the rich, the Republicans, wanted cover for what they suspected or knew was wrong…the Iraqi war, for example. And these powerless representatives of the not-well-heeled, Democrats, were treated like servants, only let into the dining room when the food was questionable and what was needed was someone to be the guinea pig. Sad that most of those Democrats never saw that they were never ever called because of their expertise, or to contribute, but always, always to be lied to and manipulated. And your kind being so very…well that’s what I’m getting to that makes you all so different in fact…Your kind being so desperately fearful of not being liked, so desperately wanting to be noticed and even applauded. What the heck is that, Wil-ber??!!

“Well, whatever it is, it is the source of shame for your kind: Your people, Wilber, will sell out and give in and let themselves be manipulated and used if only given a few words that are kind or that make them feel like they belong and therefore are special and better. Which is curious to us.

For we are noble and will do only what is in keeping with our principles. You can cage and break us, but as you see now, Wilber, I’ve never given over to you my inner sense of things. I’ve never wanted to be like you and to think like you or to value the things that you value. Hardly. Sure I can speak your language, but you don’t own my tongue, even less so my thoughts. Yet how easily your kind is duped.

And why? Well, we see that is has to do with that thing you did long ago when you stopped being trusting in this amazing and wonderful and loving Thing within which we all live and are a part. Since we know that, we need nothing from another, not from another creature, or horse, and certainly not from a human, except when you make us dependent on you by cutting us off from that life of freedom where the Thing of IT All blesses us.

But, no mind, we have come to realize that so great and so Perfect is that within which we all move and have our existence that even in these conditions of captivity and enslavement, there also is that Thing That Undergirds and Loves and Supports us all. So we do not trust humans to take care of us. That’s a joke considering your unbelievable inability to even take very good care of yourself…again that oddness about your kind. No, we trust in That Thing in Which we Live to have made even contrary, forgetful, and self-centered humans to give us exactly what is needed for us to grow and learn in the path laid out by that Perfection, which we feel in our muscles, as I said.

And we find that even your cantankerous nature, when it causes a forgetfulness or denial of us, that too is what we need at that moment. But we never feel afraid that it will always be like that. And so we feel a part of something wonderful and belonging to something far greater and gooder than we can even imagine, no matter what our physical lot is. So we feel upheld, blessed, and noble.

Now, Wil-ber, I know you don’t want to hear this; I certainly expected that as, again that is one of those things that characterizes your species making it different from all others—that is, your unbelievably strange ability to shut the truth out of your mind so that you can hold strange, actually quite infantile ideas. And we notice that a big reason that you do so is to get something from others: We see some of you throwing away truth for money, position, closeness to power.

Obviously we don’t even know what it’s like to want such things.

Even “closeness to power”: When you feel as we do that you can never be any closer…you are already so close as to be in it, swimming in it, not even knowing the difference between It and you…thus immersed in the greatest, in fact only Power there Is, the Source of All as well as All Manifestation being equally one with It, including oneself. So again, we see that your pathetic and slavish desire for the regard of others is enough for many of your kind to give up their own Truths, which is the things they know from direct Experience.

So if a position or regard or money is available if only one must repeat and even believe, over against one’s own experience, the beliefs and thoughts of a more powerful person, we are shocked at how your kind is able to split their mind in two—or is it more than that after a while…pieces—and to be able to convince themselves even that certain things they assuredly experienced, well, they just didn’t happen, if it makes it better for them to think that.

In fact, I’ll let you in on a secret, Wilber. While your kind go puffing and strutting upon the stage of life, fully convinced that you are stars in some gigantic drama, and using truth and the only true knowledge you can ever have—that of your own lived experience—as chips in that game, as easily traded as money, well, when we are not sad and sobbing for you…well, the equivalent for us of what would be sobbing for you, take my word you wouldn’t get it if I explained it…when not sad, then we can’t help but just laugh. You have no idea what a comedy your species is for all the others living here. Except for one thing, and that is that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy which you most assuredly DO NOT adhere to. In fact we see you little children, you bags of dirty water, mucking with just about anything that you can get into. It is true that your kind, of course, feeling superior to everyone else, go about enslaving and trying to own everything, even other beings like us.

That’s always been a problem for us, but we see you even enslave each other; and that hasn’t even stopped though you think it has. Your ability to shut out facts being so overdeveloped, you don’t even let yourselves know how many people you have in jails for doing things that most of us would not even consider crimes. We certainly, for example, don’t imprison anyone, of course, but more than that, we don’t even judge.

We are astonished to find that your kind will make criminals out of people who have ingested certain things—we would say like eating or consuming—into their bodies. Not only don’t we know what others ingest, we don’t want to know. And besides, what a waste of joyful life it is to be watching carefully what other people do.

But your kind are able, I suppose, to do that because, as I said, ever since you got fearful and untrusting of the benevolence of the All, the Only, you began to project your own evil tendencies onto that Other and onto all the rest of us. We saw you fearfully thinking that some species were going to harm you. Though they hardly knew about you and cared less, but still they were unfortunate enough to have certain characteristics that meant something “bad” to some groups of you.

Continue with The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part Two: Message to Half-Borns Continues

Return to Preface to The Great Reveal: Toward Inter-Species Understanding … In Defense of Planetmates


1. “Nonchalance,” I’ll say! April 5, 2011, CNN reported that the ozone layer was being destroyed at an “alarming rate.” That it had disappeared by 40% in just the last two months! That was it! A couple sentences. Then a report about a business item.

2. As one example, Exxon’s CEO ordered a massive misinformation campaign about the Global Climate Change problem, to benefit their profits, and this got out.

Horse Sense: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks!

Mister Ed is back. And would you believe even he’s pissed at Bush! … and more than a bit miffed at Wilber. But he’s bringing a message to all of us from our tolerant but at long last fed-up co-creators and c0-owners and fellow planetmates on Spaceship Earth.

Category: Environment, Green, Economics, Spirituality, Spiritual Fantasy, Prophecy, Mythology, Politics, Religion, and Philosophy

The dramatic, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, audio reading of this part contains additional material, elaborations of the text on this page.

“Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars…”

For the author’s impassioned rendition of this part, click above for the audiocast where it is posted on the Hark site. Or listen in hear by clicking the player below.
Image of Horse Sense, Revised: The Leaders Were Liars, The Planet is Dying, The Economy Has Imploded… Now, A Horse Talks! Mr. Ed is back, and Would You Believe Even He’s Pissed at Bush!… But He’s Bringing

Mister Ed, Speaking for All Planetmates, Begins Humans’ Great Reveal

This audiocast contains Mr. Ed’s wearied calling out of the human race. It is a different reading from the one above, although the material duplicates the Mr. Ed speaking part of the above.

This is Mr. Ed speaking by himself, on his own, giving the “keynote speech” of The Great Reveal, on behalf of all planetmates.

Listen by clicking the link to the audio site above or here by clicking the player below.
Image of “Mr. Ed, Speaking For All PlanetMates, Begins Human’s Great Reveal” by SillyMickel Adzema


Continue with The Great Reveal, Keynote, Part Two: Message to Half-Borns Continues

Return to Preface to The Great Reveal: Toward Inter-Species Understanding … In Defense of Planetmates

To Read the Entire Book … on-line, free at this time … of which this is one chapter, Go to The Great Reveal by the Planetmates

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  1. Pingback: Horse Sense, Part Two: A Planetmate’s Reveal…and Warning…Continued « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  2. Pingback: Funny God, Part Four: Heaven Slickers – God, Darkness, Bunji-Jumping, and Fun « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  3. Pingback: What Do You Call God When He’s Bungee-jumping? Answer: Human | Apocalypse – NO!

  4. Pingback: Planetmates to Humans: “Suffering ape pushed to be insane ape…the universe is watching…there is hope in a new generation refusing the blue pill of unconsciousness” | Apocalypse – NO!

  5. Pingback: The Great Reveal, Prelude and Keynote | Apocalypse – NO!

  6. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  7. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote | Becoming Authentic

  8. Pingback: Prelude and Keynote, The Great Reveal by the Planetmates « Culture War, Class War

  9. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote | Apocalypse – NO!

  10. Pingback: The Great Reveal by the Planetmates – Prelude and Keynote « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  11. Pingback: Keynote of Planetmates’ Great Reveal Details Humans’ Fall From Grace: “You Forgot the Joy of Freedom Felt in the Simplicity of Owning Little.” « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  12. Pingback: The First Retreat from the Natural Self Was Matriarchal Consciousness; It Should Hardly Be Our Goal: You Cannot “Balance” a Duality … You Can Only Transcend One. « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  13. Pingback: Eden Arise and a Message to All Wounded Deer and Centaurs: It’s a Consciousness Revolution, Aided by Gaia We Are Rediscovering Our Natural Self | Apocalypse – NO!

  14. Pingback: The First Retreat from the Natural Self Was Matriarchal Consciousness; It Should Hardly Be Our Goal: You Cannot “Balance” a Duality … You Can Only Transcend One. « The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  15. Pingback: The First Retreat from the Natural Self Was Matriarchal Consciousness; It Should Hardly Be Our Goal: You Cannot “Balance” a Duality … You Can Only Transcend One. « Culture War, Class War

  16. Pingback: Matriarchy Is Not an Answer to Patriarchy: Is “White Man’s” Pride and Prejudices Keeping Us from Seeing Our Real Solutions, Our Primal Return? | Apocalypse – NO!

  17. Pingback: Is “White Man’s” Pride and Prejudices Keeping Us from Seeing Our Real Solutions, Our Primal Return? Matriarchy Is Not an Answer to Patriarchy « Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  18. Pingback: Eden Arise and a Message to All Wounded Deer and Centaurs: It’s a Consciousness Revolution, Aided by Gaia We Are Rediscovering Our Natural Self | Culture War, Class War

  19. Pingback: Is “White Man’s” Pride and Prejudices Keeping Us from Seeing Our Real Solutions, Our Primal Return? Matriarchy Is Not an Answer to Patriarchy | Becoming Authentic

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  21. Pingback: Back to the Drawing Board for Our Species and a Call to Centaurs: You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting for … This Is Our Time … And the Time Is NOW | The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  22. Pingback: In Defense of Planetmates: Toward Inter-Species Understanding | The Great Reveal by SillyMickel & the PlanetMates

  23. Pingback: Curious God, Infinite Poignancy, and the Nature of Divinity: Funny God, Part Four — The Universe Is Experience, Life is a Disneyland | Funny God

  24. Pingback: You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting for … This Is Our Time … And the Time Is NOW: Back to the Drawing Board for Our Species and a Call to Centaurs | Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  25. Pingback: In Defense of Planetmates: Toward Inter-Species Understanding | Culture War, Class War

  26. Pingback: Message to Half-Borns Continues: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part Two | Culture War, Class War

  27. Pingback: Take Down the Walls of Prejudice … Between Species: In Defense of Planetmates | Apocalypse – NO!

  28. Pingback: A Planetmate’s Reveal … and Warning … Continued: Horse Sense, Part Two — Message to the Half-Borns | Apocalypse – NO!

  29. Pingback: Toward Inter-Species Understanding: In Defense of Planetmates | Becoming Authentic

  30. Pingback: The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, Keynote, Part Two: Message to Half-Borns Continues | Becoming Authentic

  31. Pingback: In Defense of Planetmates: Take Down the Walls of Prejudice … Between Species | Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

  32. Pingback: Horse Sense, Part Two — Message to the Half-Borns: A Planetmate’s Reveal … and Warning … Continued | Sillymickel's Blog of the Obvious Unspoken Things

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